Sunday, April 25, 2010

Locations for April 26-April 30

AG Fitness Bootcamp:
Rancho Grande Park, ALL week

Buggy Bootcamp:
Monday: Rancho Grande Park

SLO Bootcamp:
Islay Park unless it rains.
Tuesday looks like we may be in for a bit of rain. Light sprinking? Throw a hat on and a weather proof jacket and we're outside. Rain? Check back to the blog for more info.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Go to the outlets for 9:30 class, unless you hear otherwise from Danielle!

Fitness Bootcamp: Rancho Grande Park

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Locations for April 19-April23

AG Fitness Bootcamp
M and W: Rancho Grande Park
Fri: Wadsworth in Pismo

Buggy Bootcamp
M: Rancho Grande Park
other days: TBA

SLO Bootcamp
Islay Park
IF RAIN: Check back to blog for alternate location. If a change in location is necessary, it will be posted by 4pm on day of class.

Monday, April 12, 2010

915 Bootcamp Goes Under Cover

Well, it looks like we could be in for more rain this a.m. So, rotary bandstand it is! See you there!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bootcamp Begins Monday, April 12

AG bootcamp and Buggy Bootcamp start tomorrow!

This week's locations are as follows:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Rancho Grande Park
Check blog prior to class, in case of rain, to see if location changes.

Buggy Bootcamp: Pismo Beach Outlets, Monday only at this time.

SLO Bootcamp: Islay Park, Tue and Thur