Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 3: February 25- March 1

3rd Week of the Belly Buster Challenge!  Core Crushers go up to 5:00 minutes / day!  Keep up on your commitment to whittle the waistline and stay away from sugar, eat protein at every meal, dairy as a condiment or none at all, enjoy unlimited non-starchy veggies, and low-sugar fruits. Can't wait to see the results at the end of week 4!

Locations for the 3rd week:
Rancho Grande Park on Monday and Friday
Pismo Beach stairs on Wednesday!  Meet on Wilmar Street. 

See you all at the park!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 2: Feb 18-22

Week 2 Update, Week 1 Round-up!

Today is the last day of a 3:00 core crusher!  Tomorrow we add 1:00.  Record your numbers.  Be proud of your daily effort, regardless of your numbers.  Any questions, concerns about the challenge?  Recipes to share?  How are you feeling??

Week 2
Monday is a holiday! 
Fitness Bootcamp will only have ONE class at 915.  Should be a great day for an awesome circuit training workout at Rancho Grande Park. 
NO Buggy Bootcamp on Monday, either!

Wednesday:  Could be raining??
545am:  Rancho Grande Park or Rotary Bandstand if rain
915am:  Rancho Grande Park or Raingear and Umbrellas at Rancho Grande Park, if rain (how fun does that sound!?!)
930am:  Buggy Bootcamp: Rancho Grande Park or Rotary Bandstand if rain

545am:  Rancho Grande Park with Danielle
930am:  Buggy Bootcamp at Rancho Grande Park

Hope to see you all at the park this week.  Remember, guests are welcome.  If your guest is considering joining, they can have one class free.  Otherwise, your guest can use one of your punches (ex.:  visiting friends, kids, etc.)

With the love of health and fitness,

Friday, February 8, 2013

At last: Here It Is!!

Core in Action’s Belly Blaster Challenge

While we cannot “spot reduce”, we can make an attempt to reduce the amount of fat we find around our mid-sections.  By combining a more focused food intake with exercise, we can feel better, increase our energy, improve our health and blast the fat!  Exercise alone can’t get the job done; belly fat is often the outcome of hormones, poor diet, and lack of exercise.  And, probably in that order!  Let’s join forces and commit to the challenge!
I am offering this 4-week challenge:  you decide your level of commitment!  There are 2 basic components to this challenge which begins on Monday, February 11 through Friday, March 8.
How do I begin?  Read on….
-Sign up for CIA’s bootcamp and commit coming to every class!
-Measure your waist and hips.  For consistency, measure at your belly button(waist), and the roundest part of your bum(hips).  I know, your belly button is not your waist!
Part 1:  Exercise (of course, you need to come to bootcamp!  Workouts will be focused on higher intensity, more strength training….all proven to assist in fat burning!)

Core Crusher (CC):  5 moves (plank pushups, frog plank jumps, side ab crunches, bicycles, mountain climbers) these will be demonstrated in bootcamp.
Do CC’s Daily and record (you will get a calendar in class), trying to beat your reps from the previous day*
5 reps of each move = 1 round
3 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) +1:00 each week

3 minutes = week 1
4 minutes = week 2
5 minutes = week 3
6 minutes = week 4
*How to score: 
Example:  2 full rounds plus 3 frog planks= 3 rounds + 5 plank push-ups+3 frog planks = 2 + 8

Part 2:  Diet
Every participant needs to:
Get 6-8 hours sleep/night and drink 8-8 oz glasses of water/day
Rules for everyone:
Protein at every meal

Unlimited foods                                                              Limited Foods
Lean protein                                                                     Starchy carbs/sweet fruits (5-15 bites /meal only)
Non-Starchy Vegetables                                                 Fats and Fatty Meats (1-2 handful nuts/day)
Lower sugar Fruits                                                           Alcohol

NOW, choose your level of commitment:
Beginner:  eliminate sugar, dairy as a condiment only, 1 cheat day/week
Intermediate:  eliminate sugar and dairy, no cheat day
Advanced:  eliminate sugar, dairy, and alcohol, no cheat day

FYI:  (Starch/Sugar + Fat) x  Stress = Belly Fat!
Email me questions, comments, your commitment!  See you Monday!