Thursday, September 4, 2008

Go ahead, play the Wii! It's better than sitting around.

Participating in the actual sport is more optimal but you can burn calories playing the Wii. In a 30 minute session you can burn 216 calories playing Wii boxing, 159 calories playing Wii Tennis. If you want to get the best workout that you can while playing the Wii then you need to mimic the real movements as closely as possible. So say "yes" next time one of your children or grand-children ask you to play!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

NEW!! Perfect Attendance REWARD

Consistency is KEY to results!

CIA wants to help give you an extra incentive to make every workout you've signed up for: Perfect Attendance Pays!

You can earn a coupon for a discount towards the next session!

Wow! That's a win-win! You improve your fitness and save money at the same time!!

See you at the park!

Friday, August 29, 2008

ANNOUNCING: NEW!! Beginning Running Bootcamp

For those who have always wanted to run or who have taken a long break from running and want to ease your way back.....CIA has the class for you!!

Beginning Running!
An 8 week training program culminating in a one mile or 5K Fun Run, November 1.
See flyer under Beginning Running class description for more details:

Information night: Thursday, 6-7 p.m. September 4, Rancho Grande Park.

Email to reserve your spot!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Class Time!!

Hey all you fitness bootcampers!!

Time change: 9:15-10:15 a.m. starting Tuesday September 2.

This will help the transition from Fitness Bootcamp to Basic Training.

See you at the park!!

Labor Day is a Holiday!

No bootcamp on Monday, Labor Day!

Next session begins on Tuesday, September 2. We'll meet Tu, We, Fri week one.
Week two: MWF--as usual.

What's NEW??

Perfect Attendance Award Coupon:
You need to come to class to see results. As an added encouragement for you to make it to every class--perfect attendance will earn a coupon good for discount on next session's registration!!

Personal Training:
Would you like to schedule a session one-on-one? Contact Jan or Kate to schedule you for personal training!

Guest Day:
Look for upcoming date to bring a friend/spouse/neighbor for FREE! Special Bootcamp class for you and a guest!

Weekly Beach Days:
Fridays are now beach days! Every Friday!!
Meet at the volleybal courts at the end of Wadsworth for a workout on the beach!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sizzlin Summer "Have a Ball"

This week we will be at Rancho Grande Park at 9:30. Tuesday July 8th. This 75 minute workout is great for all levels and is our first of 6 classes that children ages 7-12, are encouraged to try! Sign up 1 day in advance and receive $5.00 off!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Avila Look out Hike

Meet us at the upper parking lot by Mulligan's Restaurant in Avila, near the golf course!
The hike takes approx. 90 minutes. Bring water, wear sunscreen, dress in layers.

We have the following people paid and confirmed: Jaylene, Anna, Diane, Sandra, Barbara, Patrikya, Deborah, and Liz. Kim T and Alex are signed up.....there is room for more!

See you in Avila!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Local Run: Dune Run-run

Saturday, August 23rd! Mark your calendar for this 5K Run, Walk or 10K run. Call 473-4580 for more information or go to CIA's Sizzlin Summer "Tear up the Track" on July 15th is a great way to start your training for this event. 9:30 AGHS track.

Summer Sizzlin Class number 1

Avila Hike at 8am Tuesday July 1st. Meet at Mulligan's Bar and Grill Parking lot. Allow for 1.5 hours and please bring water! Get out above the clouds. Sign up today!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Sign Ups

Starting Friday, June 13,
we will begin sign ups for
CIA's Sizzlin' Summer Series' classes.
Reserve your spot! Space will be limited!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Survivor: Jr. Bootcamp

Have you reserved your child(ren) a spot for
Survivor: Jr. Bootcamp?

Spaces are filling up fast!

When: June 16-20, 9:30-10:30 am
Ages: 7-12
Where: Rancho Grande Park, Arroyo Grande
Cost: $50

Fun in the sun---"Survivor"-style!

Summer Sign Ups are Happening!

Summer is Right around the corner!!
Do you have a fitness plan?

Sign up for CIA's
ALL NEW Sizzlin' Summer Series!

When: T/TH, July 1-Aug 21, start times vary, but most start @ 9:30 am
Class length: 1-2 hours depending on location and class
Where: Rancho Grande Park, Avila Beach, Pismo Beach, just to name a few
What: Hikes, Yoga, Pilates, Water workouts, and more!

See the CIA Sizzlin' Summer Series calendar for more information about specific classes!
15 classes to choose from; 6 kid (ages 7-12) classes

Pay by the day or purchase a package for a slight discount!

Email us for more information or to reserve a spot in a class.

Way to Go, Sherstin!!

Congrats to Sherstin!!
After recently completing the San Diego Rock 'N Roll Marathon, June 1, she ran a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon!
This is her first full marathon, 26.2 miles!
We are so happy for you, Sherstin! You trained so hard and have been so dedicated. What a huge accomplishment!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Last day Friday!!

FYI: Friday is the last day of this session. Next week we will be on break.

We'll see you back on the 27th for another round!!

Be sure to reserve your spot for May 27th through June 20th.

Just in time for summer vacation!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Don't Forget!

Weigh-in Wednesday!

Shape Up participants: today is weigh in day, and your meeting with Stephanie. You will get your food logs back with a bit of feedback on how you're doing.

Next meeting with Stephanie will be during break, with menu ideas, question and answer time, and more feedback!

Keep up the good work!!


I want to thank everyone for the generous gift of a spa day at Sycamore.

I feel so blessed, already, to be able to work with such a great group of people. And, then, to be given such a wonderful gift as well! Wow!

I just want you to know, I enjoyed every minute of my day in Avila.

Thank you sooo much!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Good Luck Maleah!

Good luck to Maleah Chaffee, Fitness Bootcamp Participant!
She will be competing in the Mountain Bike Triathlon on Saturday, May 3rd. This is her 22nd year taking part in the event held at Lake San Antonio. She'll be accompanied by her 2 kids, Walter and Anna, and husband, Blake.
Go Chaffee family!

Shape Up Participants:

Be sure to reserve a timeslot with Stephanie!
She'll be back Wednesday, May 7th for an individual consultation re: food journals, etc.
Email Jan and Nancy if you're not on the schedule!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2008 Strawberry Stampede 5K and 10K

Be sure to sign up for the

22nd Annual
Strawberry Stampede
5K walk and run
10K run
When: Sunday, May 25 @ 8 am
Where: Start/Finish area is at the Village Green, corner of Short Street and Nelson in Arroyo Grande
Enter online:
Register by 5/22: $30 including shirt, $25 w/o
Race day entry: $35 w/shirt, $30 w/o

A fun event for all ages, all ability levels.

All participants and volunteers receive refreshments and load of strawberries!!

Eater Beware: Foods to avoid!

From a recent AOL article: here are some highlights of foods we may all want to avoid.....

Jamba Juice Chocolate Moo'd Power Smoothie (30 fl oz)
900 calories
10 g fat
183 g carbs (166 g sugar)
Jamba Juice calls it a smoothie; we call it a milk shake. In fact, this beverage contains as much sugar as 2 pints of Ben& Jerry's butter pecan ice cream.
Turn Down the Power: Seventy-five percent of this chain's "power smoothies" contain in excess of 100 grams of sugar. Stick to Jamba's lower-calorie All Fruit Smoothies, which are the only menu items that containno added sugar. And always opt for the 16-ounce "small."

On the Border Grande Taco Salad with Taco Beef
1,450 calories
102 g fat
78 g carbs
2,410 mg sodium
This isn't an anomaly: Five different On the Border salads on the menu contain more than 1,100 calories each.
The Salad for You: The Sizzling Chicken Fajita Salad supplies an acceptable 760 calories. But remember to choose a noncaloric beverage, such as water or unsweetened iced tea.

Chili's Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream
1,600 calories
78 g fat
215 g carbs
Would you eat a Big Mac for dessert? How about three? That's the calorie equivalent of this decadent dish. Clearly, Chili'scustomers get their money's worth.
Don't Overdo It: If you want dessert at Chili's, order one single-serving Sweet Shot; you'll cap your after-dinner intake at 310 calories.

Chili's Awesome Blossom
2,710 calories
203 g fat
194 g carbs
6,360 mg sodium

Amazing, isn't it?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nutrition Tip: Portion Control and Eating Out

Here are some great tips from Weight Watchers on eating out and portion control:

Divide your meal in half. As soon as the plate is set in front of you, ask your server to wrap up the other half to take home. Doing this right away helps you avoid the temptation of eating too much just because it's there.

Consider ordering from the appetizer or kids menu. Portions are almost always smaller. Also, restaurants will often make half portions or lunch-sized portions at dinner time, if asked.

Use your hand to measure the actual amount of food on your plate.

Here's how:
Your fist is equal to one medium fruit or one measured cup
Your palm minus the fingers is a 3 ounce portion of cooked meat
Your thumb (whole thumb, from tip to base) is equal to one ounce of meat or cheese
Your thumb from the tip to the first joint is about 1 tablespoon
Your index finger from the tip to the first joint is about 1 teaspoon

Hope this helps!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

To all "Spring Into Summer Shape Up" participants:

Important meeting with Stephanie Nunes, R.D., of Rock Solid Nutrition at Rancho Grande Park in Arroyo Grande!

Thursday, 4/24, 10:30 a.m.

Bring your food journals and any questions!