Sunday, August 31, 2008

NEW!! Perfect Attendance REWARD

Consistency is KEY to results!

CIA wants to help give you an extra incentive to make every workout you've signed up for: Perfect Attendance Pays!

You can earn a coupon for a discount towards the next session!

Wow! That's a win-win! You improve your fitness and save money at the same time!!

See you at the park!

Friday, August 29, 2008

ANNOUNCING: NEW!! Beginning Running Bootcamp

For those who have always wanted to run or who have taken a long break from running and want to ease your way back.....CIA has the class for you!!

Beginning Running!
An 8 week training program culminating in a one mile or 5K Fun Run, November 1.
See flyer under Beginning Running class description for more details:

Information night: Thursday, 6-7 p.m. September 4, Rancho Grande Park.

Email to reserve your spot!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Class Time!!

Hey all you fitness bootcampers!!

Time change: 9:15-10:15 a.m. starting Tuesday September 2.

This will help the transition from Fitness Bootcamp to Basic Training.

See you at the park!!

Labor Day is a Holiday!

No bootcamp on Monday, Labor Day!

Next session begins on Tuesday, September 2. We'll meet Tu, We, Fri week one.
Week two: MWF--as usual.

What's NEW??

Perfect Attendance Award Coupon:
You need to come to class to see results. As an added encouragement for you to make it to every class--perfect attendance will earn a coupon good for discount on next session's registration!!

Personal Training:
Would you like to schedule a session one-on-one? Contact Jan or Kate to schedule you for personal training!

Guest Day:
Look for upcoming date to bring a friend/spouse/neighbor for FREE! Special Bootcamp class for you and a guest!

Weekly Beach Days:
Fridays are now beach days! Every Friday!!
Meet at the volleybal courts at the end of Wadsworth for a workout on the beach!