A common fitness goal for many women is to flatten tummies and strengthen abs. Did you know basic crunches target ONLY superficial muscles, so they really aren't the most effecient way to work your abs. FYI: According to the University of Virginia, to burn one pound of fat, you have to do 250,000 crunches! That equates to 100/day for 7 years!?
Better: you need to target the muscles that lie underneath the superficial ones: transverse, multifidis, and internal obliques. When you strengthen those muscles, they act like a corset pulling in your mid-section, making your abs look flat and toned. Most women are very weak in this area....and have no idea how to engage them.
To practice engaging them: lie on your back on the floor and place your palms just below your navel. Exhale and allow your belly to expand as far as you can. Then, focus on pulling your belly button toward your spine, drawing your abs toward the floor. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this 8-10 times.
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