Final week of bootcamp!
We are on break the week April 18-22 and then back on April 25.
YOGA: Attend Yoga for FREE* at the Harmony House the week of April 18-22. Ask Nancy how!!
For those of you who purchased a Season Pass, it is now done. You can buy a new season pass April - June.
5-Cities Bootcamp
MF: Rancho Grande Park
W: Dunes! Meet at the end of Grande Avenue at the Fin's Restaurant @ 5:45am! We'll be done by 6:45 am. 9:15am class is business as usual: 915-1015am.
Stride Class:
Tu: Rancho Grande Park
Th: Pismo Beach: meet in the parking lot near the pier
SLO Bootcamp:
Tu: Islay Park
Th: Please check back for more information