Okay ladies!
I have heard from a few of you who are up for the challenge. I want to confirm numbers,names, so that I can set the buy in amount. There is still time to join in. Please let me know so I can have enough forms run off. Due to time constraints, we will weigh right before class, and do measurements right after class.
The Rules:
Contest will begin Monday, October 24. If STride ladies want to do this, your's will be Tuesday, Oct 25.
You will fill out a form where you'll enter your start-up weight, waist, hip, and bicep measurements, and goal.
You will weigh in each Monday on CIA's scale. That is the only weight we will count.
You will commit to at least 3 days of at least 30-60 minutes moderate to intense cardiovascular exercise/week. (This does not have to be all bootcamp)
Contest ends Dec 16 with a final weigh in and measure. (8 weeks total)
1st prize: most weight lost
1st prize: most inches lost
2nd prize: runner up in weight lost
2nd prize: runner up in inches lost
Awards to those who meet or beat their goal.
Weekly focus:
Week 1:
~Increase your water intake to at least 32 ounces with an ultimate goal of 1/2 your body weight in ouces. (For example: if you weigh 120 lbs, you need to drink 60 ounces of water/day)
~Eliminate one "trigger" food you struggle with.