The Wall Street Journal published an article recently titled "Timing Snacks to Aid Weight Loss" based on a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Here is what they found:
Test subjects: 123 post-menopausal overweight women
Those who snacked between the hours of 1030am and 1130am (late morning) lost less weight over a year's time than those who skipped a late-morning snack. The reason seemed to be that those who snacked late-morning tended to keep nibbling throughout the day; and more snacking means more calories.
The researchers don't discourage snacking, however. Just keep the calorie intake low, between 100-200 calories, high in nutrients combining protein, carbs, and a bit of fat so that the body absorbs it more slowly, keeping you full longer. They also found afternoon snacking to be a better time, and was associated with more fruit and vegetable choices.
Thanks Diane A. for sharing this article!