Sunday, April 29, 2012
5-Week Partner Weightloss Challenge
You wanted another weight loss challenge, you GOT it! We had such great success in the Fall and EVERYONE was successful!! This time around, I have added a food component as well as a partner to add to the accountability and FUN!
I am not expecting perfection (see rules for slips, cheats, etc), very few of us can live like that. BUT I am hoping for improvement and change when you choose what is fueling your body and how often you are exercising.
5-week PARTNER Challenge Guidelines
The intent of this challenge is to encourage clean, healthy living and exercise as a natural occurrence in your life. This is not to become an obsession, but more of a lifestyle modification that will reap tremendous rewards both physically and mentally.
Address all questions to Facebook (FB) site so ALL can benefit from responses! Results will also be posted on FB. If you are not on FB, don’t worry! You can still view our page by clicking on the link . If you can't FB, email me. I can post your ?s on FB unless you mark it personal/private.
The Challenge will be 5 weeks in duration; starting on Wednesday May 9 and ending on Wednesday June 6 . There will be a points system to help you keep track of your consistency, and to offer up a level of friendly competition among the participants! Points will be averaged and email the total only to Nancy every Tuesday (weeks will run Wed-Tues). If you do not get to me by Tues night it’s zero for week. Score card sent via email. Excel sheet won't load to FB.
You MUST have a partner to participate. This is your responsibility. Team work provides accountability and camaraderie you cannot get on your own. Find a friend, non-bootcamper is fine!
Daily points will be determined by the participant's adherence to the following 4 areas:
Food, sleep, exercise, water…
Food…5 pts
Simply put: Eat lean meats/protein, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and fruit. Period.
What to AVOID… or get penalty burpees and lose points! Double jeopardy!
■No sugar or artificial sweetners (in moderation honey, agave, pure maple syrup are your options for sweetener) and yes organic cane sugar is a sugar…organic doesn’t mean squat! Check labels it hides everywhere. “ose” = sugar.
■No dairy (almond milk, coconut milk are alternatives). Butter is dairy.
■No processed junk foods, etc. ■No white stuff…pasta, rice, flour, bread, crackers, etc. 100% whole grain alternatives are permitted. Sprouted grain breads, 100% whole grain bread, brown rice, whole grain pasta…most grocery whole wheat pasta won't cut it as they are a mix. Health food stores are better bet. See ** below
■No alcohol.
■NO NO NO soda of any kind! This means diet too.
■Caffeine limited to one cup of coffee/tea per day. However, creamer= dairy! If can’t do without use as a slip. See below for slips and cheats.
**Whole-wheat = whole-grain good!
White flour or something labeled as just “wheat” enriched flour = refined bad!
One of the reasons this one can be tricky is that a lot of products simply say “wheat” which means it has been refined. If you are after the whole-grain it must (and will) say something like whole-wheat or whole-grain wheat if it truly is the whole grain. Look for word WHOLE.
You will be allowed 2 cheats per week. Each cheat can be used for 1 alcohol serving, 1 meal, or 1 dessert. Give yourself total points for that meal regardless. Write CHEAT in score card so you remember you used it up.
A cheat dinner plus 1 alcohol = 2 cheats.
A healthy dinner plus 1 alcohol would be 1 cheat. And cheat dinner is just that, dinner. NOT dinner PLUS dessert (that would = 2 cheats).
A perfect food day= 5 pts.
Each participant starts the day with 5 Food points. If you have a small slip -1, or a significant slip -2. If you have anything more than a significant slip, then the day is considered a surrender, and food points drop to zero for the day.
Small slip. A small amount of avoid foods-- typically less than a standard serving size for that food. Examples: A few M&M's. A small handful of Goldfish crackers. A few french fries. Sips of wine. Sugar/creamer in your coffee. Common salad dressing.
Small slips are characterized by their randomness. There is almost an unconscious element to it.
Significant slip. A full serving size of avoid food. A regular-size bag of M&M's. Small fries from McD's. A full alcohol drink or soda. A single piece of white or wheat bread. A cup of yogurt. A slice of pizza.
Significant slips are more thought-out than small slips.
Surrender. 2 or more servings of an avoid. Surrenders are like raising the white food flag.
BURPEE PENALTIES--for every significant slip above your two free cheats you will do 10 burpees PLUS lose points as outlined above. This is for significant slips (not small). In case of surrender add ALL your significants up and start burpeeing!
EXERCISE… 4 pts The easy part!
4 pts for every BC you attend. 3 pts for every other exercise you do. Be honest with these points, are you breaking a sweat, challenging yourself for minimum of 20 min? Good! You earned the pts. Or are you taking a leisurely walk with your dog? Doing 10 sit ups while watching TV? Nope. Not gonna cut it! You may do more than one workout a day BUT may not earn more than 4 pts in a day. Also cannot do two workouts in one day to make up points for a day that you will not. No point hoarding!
Why more for BC?? Because it’s my challenge and frankly BC is more intense and worth more than most other programs or what you’ll do on your own.
SLEEP… 3 pts
We are aiming for 8 hours! Total possible points for sleep per night: 8 hours = 3, 7 = 2, 6 = 1. < 6 = ZERO! As far as half hours you may round up (ie. 7 and ½ hours =8 hours, 7 and ¼ = 7!) Decreased sleep leads to carb/sugar cravings, weakened immune system, less energy, crankiness and you look tired! Any more than 8 hours good for you… But NO extra points!
WATER…2 pts
Drink 8, 8 ounce glasses a day. That’s right, 64 total. Get drinking, get peeing. You either meet it or you don’t get the 3 pts. Proper hydration is key to weight loss and has other benefits. When you don’t get enough your body will retain it. It also helps you feel fuller. Our brain confuses thirst and hunger. Reach for water first if you feel hungry. Herbal teas count as water.
Helpful hints:
■Plan your meals ahead of time
■Travel with appropriate snacks so not to be stuck
■Put your fitness on your calendar!
■Add lemon, mint, lime to water
■Decaf green tea, lots of it!
■Make breakfast egg dish, oats, etc for the week so it’s as easy go to in am as bowl of cereal.
■Coconut water, almond milk (unsweetened), great replacement for yogurt in smoothies.
■Almond flour is a good sub for flour, breading, etc.
■Olive, walnut, avocado, oils, in place of butter and processed oils.
■ GREAT resource and recipes. However, she does use dairy so omit/swap where appropriate.
100 calorie treat... Every day you can have 100 calories of anything you want as long as it is not alcohol, soda or diet soda.