Okay, here you go!
Workout #1
Warm up with a power walk or jog for 5-8 minutes. Then complete the following for your warm-up:
10 squats
10 alternating toe touches
10 alternating knee grabs
10 alternating lunges
10 butt bridges on your back
2x thru
Workout: keeping in the theme of cardio and hills for Wednesday
Find a hill near your home (or go to the park) and do 2 hill repeats
With your weights, do:
25 tricep kickbacks
25 bicep curls
25 lateral shoulder raises
Repeat hill and weight circuit 2 more times
10 superman on belly
10 cat/cow
10 butt bridges
20 bicycle abs
10 reverse cruches/ heels to the sky
repeat circuit 2-3x
Workout #2
Same warm-up as above
5 burpees
5 plyo lunges (jump lunges where r/l=1)
5 push-ups
Run/power walk an out and back distance of about 100 yards
Repeat above but with quantity of 4 each
Run/power walk an out-and-back distance of approx 100 yards
Repeat burpee circuit but with a quantity of 3 each
Continue as above but each time doing circuit decrease by 1
When you hit 1---keep going but add quantity by 1
Keep going until you get to 5.
Example: 5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5-Done!
Have a great week!! I will see you all on Monday. Good luck to all your kiddos starting school this week.
With the love of fitness,