Friday, November 30, 2012

See you at Wilmar St. Stairs!

915'rs:  meet me at the top of Wilmar St. Stairs
Grab a beach towel, unless you plan to get sandy, water, and maybe a hooded jacket in case the rain starts up and I will see you there!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Friday, Nov 30, Locations

Happy Thursday, all.  These weeks go by so fast!
The rain has been a bit of a challenge this week.  So unpredictable.
On the safe side and to make it easier for all:
545am class at bandstand
915am class at Wilmar Stairs if no rain, bandstand if rain.  I will repost 915's status by 845am tomorrow.
Sleep well and we'll see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

915 Bootcamp Cancelled Today

Sorry gals, but I will cancel today's 915 class.  Feeling a little better just a bit drained. So, we will have class Friday instead.  If no rain, we will meet at the beach, top of Wilmar St. stairs.  If rain, we will meet at the band stand.  I will be in touch via email.
Have a great day.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Back to Bootcamp: New Session Starts Monday, 11/26

So excited to start our Nov/Dec session tomorrow!!  The session runs from Nov 26-Dec 21; just in time for the Christmas holidays!  While spending the holiday on the Santa Monica coastline, I saw several bootcamps in action and have to admit I was dieing to go out and join them.  You know me, too....I was looking for ideas to "borrow" for CIA's bootcamp!!

A quick post on what to expect this week:

Monday, 545am and 915am:  Bootcamp Circuit Training at Rancho Grande Park
"Why Weight"  weigh ins
Monday, 930am:  Buggy Bootcamp

Wednesday, 545am and 915am:  Bootcamp on the Beach (meet at the top of Wilmar St. stairs)
Wednesday, 930am:  Buggy Bootcamp

Friday, 545am:  Bootcamp at Rancho Grande Park with Danielle
"Why Weight?" final weigh in and measurements at 9am, Rancho Grande Park (prizes will be announced on Sunday's blog!)

See you at the park!
Nancy and Danielle

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy family and friends, and really take the day (weekend) to reflect on what it is that really makes us thankful.  We can get so caught up in all the little details that go in to the feast and entertainment, but don't forget to slow down, take a breath, and look around you.  We live in the most amazing place and we are blessed with so much.  I am thankful, for one, to have the most amazing job in the world, because I get to know some pretty incredible people like all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week 4: November 12-16

We are in our last week of this session!  Can we slow down time a little, please?  We will be on break the week of Thanksgiving and then back on for 4-weeks leading up to Christmas.  Wasn't it just summer?

Anyways,  on to the schedule for Week 4. Monday is Veteran's Day and a holiday for many.  So we have a little change in our normal Monday schedule.  Wednesday will be business as usual, and then Friday we will have a 915 class.

Monday:  Rancho Grande Park
630am bootcamp:  circuit training
900am buggy bootcamp
NO 915am bootcamp today

Wednesday:  Rancho Grande Park
545am bootcamp
915am bootcamp

Friday:  Rancho Grande Park
545am bootcamp
915am bootcamp
930am buggy bootcamp

I will be in Las Vegas Sunday-Wednesday so a big "Thank You" shout out to Danielle for covering classes while I am away.  I will be back to teach Friday's 915am bootcamp, so hope to see some of you then.  To all the early am girls, I won't see you until next session.  So work hard, enjoy your holiday with friends and family, and I can't wait to see you all back at the park on Monday, 11/26.

Why Weight?  participants:
Danielle will do your weigh ins on either M or W.  I know some of you are having a tough time this challenge due to traveling and cold season, etc.  Do the best you can with the challenges that present themselves to you.
So far, you have (1) given up at least one "white" food item, or a food that is devoid of nutrients.  You were also supposed to try to (2) limit your carbs (10grams or less/serving) after lunch, with a list of carb grams posted on the previous blog.  This week, try to (3) increase your water as close to 64oz/day.  (4) Shut down your kitchen after dinner and  (5)try not to eat anything 2 hours prior to bedtime.  (Example:  bedtime 10pm so nothing to eat after 8pm).  Your dedication to this challenge will pay off! 

Take care all.  I am packing my workout gear for Vegas!!
See you all soon!
Feel free to email any questions/concerns.  Danielle and I will be checking emails.
With the love of fitness,

Monday, November 5, 2012

Why Weight? Clarification for this Week's Challenge

Here is Els' email to me and my response to her:

Thanks Nancy!
I looked at the blog and seen the challenge for this week.... I always struggled with which food has carbs?? (it's so american I guess?) According to some sites there is not much without carbs .....
Can you give me some kind of list what to avoid and what I can eat ? Would make my life a little easier :-)

No pasta, rice, bread

Most foods have a bit of carbohydrate in them, but some much higher than others. So follow this link to a list of foods and their carb/serving and try to stick with foods with under 10g/serving. So, no potatoes, either. Just for one week and just after lunch. I am not a proponent of giving up carbs AT ALL, just to make sure you are eating good carbs vs bad carbs. I am a believer in everything in moderation. This will just give a big jump start to some weightloss.
Good luck!

Hope this helps ladies!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 3: November 5- 9

Happy Daylight Savings Day! Hope you enjoyed an extra hour of sleep this morning. We were in L.A. and kind of tricked by the hotel so we didn't get to enjoy it quite like we thought we might. Loooong story! :)

We are already in week 3. We will be at Rancho Grande Park all week, but may travel a bit on Wednesday for our hill day since we will be able to see at 545am! I will keep you posted, but for now, plan to meet at Rancho Grande Park MWF.

We had an awesome workout in Pimso on Friday: Tour de Pismo Stairs! Haven't done that workout in a while and the ladies did awesome!

Why Weight? participants:
Weigh in Monday
New challenge: limit or eliminate carbs after lunch for one week! It will be tough, I know, but you will see a move in the right direction on the scale for sure. Try it for a week! Pull out your cookbooks, get can do it!

See you all tomorrow at the park!