Thanks Nancy!
I looked at the blog and seen the challenge for this week.... I always
struggled with which food has carbs?? (it's so american I guess?) According to
some sites there is not much without carbs .....
Can you give me some kind of list what to avoid and what I can eat ? Would
make my life a little easier :-)Thanks!
No pasta, rice, bread
Most foods have a bit of carbohydrate in them, but some much higher than others. So follow this link to a list of foods and their carb/serving and try to stick with foods with under 10g/serving. So, no potatoes, either. Just for one week and just after lunch. I am not a proponent of giving up carbs AT ALL, just to make sure you are eating good carbs vs bad carbs. I am a believer in everything in moderation. This will just give a big jump start to some weightloss.
Good luck!
Hope this helps ladies!