Okay, here's my final challenge to you: See if you can commit to this 30-day Ab Challenge. Complete the following exercises, 1x each day for 30-days and see if you feel any stonger by the end. As soon as you start it, continue EACH day for 30-days!
In you dayplanner, calendar, or phone, record each day's results.
Do 20 crunches, 20 bicycles (r/l=1), 20 leg drops*, 20 scissors** (r/l = 1), 20 butt bridges, and one forearm plank (toes, NO knees) holding as long as possible.
1 day/week: time how long it takes you to complete the 100 ab moves listed above and record your results.
Each day: time how long you can hold your plank.
Do your best to beat your numbers. Good luck! I'd love to hear how it goes, and how you feel at the end of the 30-days!
*leg drops: on your back with legs together and at a 90degree angle to hips. Keep legs together and lower them as close to the ground without lifting or straining your lower back. Return to start.
**scissors: start in same position as leg drops but lower one leg at a time, scissoring your legs.
With both moves, feel free to put your hands under your hips to help support your lower back.
FYI: My times today (I was focusing on full range of motion and good form, rather than speed):
100: 2 minutes 36 seconds
Plank: 90 seconds
I will miss you all. I will be around if you would like to set up personal training or buddy trainings. Just give me a call: 459-0681, email: murrays1234@sbcglobal.net, or fb (Nancy Murray)
With the love of health and fitness,