Hi Bootcampers. Here is your post for the next 2 weeks, since I will be in Costa Rica. I will return on the 16th and be back at bootcamp on the 18th. I have left you in very good hands and you have some awesome workouts coming up!
5-Cities Bootcamp:
Monday, 8/9:
6am: Rancho Grande Park with Jeff
8am: Madonna Mtn. Hike with Danielle. Plan at least 2 hour time slot! Meet at the parking lot at the base of Madonna Mtn. Bring water! Wear a hat!
Wednesday, 8/11:
6am: Rancho Grande Park for Bootcamp as you Know (and Love) It! with Kate
9:15am: Rancho Grande Park (not Dinosaur Park as schedule states) Yoga with Tami!
Friday, 8/13:
6am: Rancho Grande Park with Danielle
Monday, 8/16:
6am and 9:15am: Diggin the Dunes with Jeff and Danielle. Meet at Fin's Parking lot. Water and towel only.
Wednesday, 8/18:
6am and 9:15: Rancho Grande Park with Nancy
Friday, 8/20:
6am, Rancho Grande Park with Nancy
We will be on break the week of Aug 23 and start up a new session on Aug 30!