Well, the weather man predicted it, and it really is raining, finally! If the weatherman is correct, it might still be raining on Monday.
Remember to check this blog to find out locations and any last minute changes, including location.
If rain, not sprinkling or misting, we meet at the Rotary Bandstand in the Village of AG. I will try to put this on the blog, but as you know MWs I am teaching class from 8am on and won't be able to post a change after that.
From 101 N: exit Grande Avenue and turn R. Go thru the Village of AG to Mason St. Turn left, go one block and the park (and bandstand) is on the left.
From 101 S: exit Grande Avenue and turn L. Follow the directions above.
I will post all locations for our final week on Sunday. Have a great rainy weekend! Cuddle up by the fire with a good book and enjoy! Oh, and get a few planks, butt bridges, supermans, and crunches in while you're at it. Core is ON, ALL THE TIME! :)