Sunday, January 22, 2012

Recruit and Reward

I'm in need of your recruiting powers ladies. If you love bootcamp, spread the word!

Stride, Strength, and Stretch took a break this session due to low numbers. If you know anyone interested, have them contact me for more info. Currently class is offered Tu/Ths from 6am-7am. Class is all NON-impact with the primary cardio coming from walking with strength training and stretching.

6am Bootcamp: numbers are also quite low right now and we'd love to have company on those chilly mornings! Do you know someone who works and needs an early morning workout?

What's in it for you? If you get someone to join, you will earn a 50% discount on one session of bootcamp following the session your recruit joined. I'd rather pay you to market bootcamp than a newspaper ad or radio best form of advertisement has always been YOU, word of mouth!

I appreciate you and your continued enthusiasm for health and fitness.