Happy Sunday to everyone. Hope you had a nice weekend! We definitely did, and I am currently sipping on coffee and enjoying the inactivity Sunday's can bring.
For the upcoming week, we have the following planned:
Monday, Rancho Grande Park circuit training, 6am and 915am with Nancy
Wednesday, Rancho Grande Park, cardio crazy (!) with Danielle, 6am and 915am
(Wednesday is Nancy's 25th Wedding Anniversary-woohoo!)
Friday: pre-signups required to ensure minimums are met....sign up by Wednesday, July 18. Once minimums are met, drop-ins are okay, but as always, we appreciate knowing ahead of time, when possible, for planning.
Friday, July 20, Bob Jones Trail
Meet at the parking lot across the street from Bob Jones trailhead
More details to follow, but let us know if you'd like to attend
Cost? Punch card or drop in fee $15 for guests