Week 5 locations!
Last chance workouts for you before Christmas! 7 workouts possible this week...do you need a make-up? Use one of these chances!
Monday and Friday: Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday: Rotary Bandstand
Monday: Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday Rotary Bandstand
Holiday Slim-Down Challengers: This is your last week to make it count. Friday is final weigh-in for the Potluck! Be comfortable and find strength in the word "no", get the most out of your workouts, and be proud of how well you have done! Monday check-ins---texts for updates please!
CIA Christmas Party is this Friday. Don't miss out on our potluck and white elephant exchange. Email if you haven't received an evite.
See ya at the park!!!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Week 4 Locations
Week 4 is here and will go by fast. Get those workouts in before Christmas and New Years. You WILL NEVER get these days back. Take the opportunity to grab an hour to dedicate to your health. Making a fitter you in 2014! End 2013 stronger than you began it!
Monday/Wednesday/Friday all at RGP!
See ya there!
Monday/Wednesday/Friday all at RGP!
See ya there!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Week 3 Locations
Ready for some post-Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas workouts?!? Only 9 workouts left in the session! Don't let those Holidays chase you away from a workout. It's YOUR time to focus on you, de-stress, burn some cookie calories, and find a fitter/healthier you. It's the BEST gift you can give yourself. (I know...cheesy, but I mean it!)
Week 3 Locations:
Mon/Wed: Rancho Grande Park
Friday: AG High School track
9am and Buggy:
Mon/Wed: Rancho Grande Park
**Holiday Slim Down folks: Weekly check-in Monday. Try to weigh-in at the same time you did last Monday. I'll be asking for your weigh-in(via text preferred with a pic of the scale!)
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Week 3 Locations:
Mon/Wed: Rancho Grande Park
Friday: AG High School track
9am and Buggy:
Mon/Wed: Rancho Grande Park
**Holiday Slim Down folks: Weekly check-in Monday. Try to weigh-in at the same time you did last Monday. I'll be asking for your weigh-in(via text preferred with a pic of the scale!)
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Week 2 Locations!
Happy Thanksgiving week ALL!
Let's be thankful for bodies that LOVE to move! I know that I am super thankful for each of you and all you bring to our classes. I am thankful for the challenges you bring me when you KILL my workouts. Pretty much you guys are AWESOME!!!
Locations for this week:
Mon: Grace Bible Church
Tues/Wed: Rancho Grande Park
Mon: Grace Bible Church
Wed: Rancho Grande Park
Tomorrow is day one of our Holiday Slim Down challenge!! FB page will be up and running, please let me know if you are on FB, so I can invite you.
Happy Sunday!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Wednesday Change of Location
Hi Fitness Friends!!!
Change of location for Wednesday due to chance of rain!
Meet at the bandstand rain or shine.
Change of location for Wednesday due to chance of rain!
Meet at the bandstand rain or shine.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Last Session of 2013
Can you believe we are having the first week of the last session?! This year has flown by and with only 5 weeks left to buckle down....I say, Let's do it! We are entering the season of parties, food gifts, delicious meals, baking extravaganza, and limited time for exercise. Don't let yourself become a part of the holiday weight gain statistic. Make a goal to stay at your current weight, lose inches or pounds, or gain strength/PR of some sort. Let CIA keep you accountable to that goal. Let me know what it is and I will help keep you on track. Don't make excuses or give up. Let January 1st come and go without having to make a "Lose X amount of lbs" resolution.
Locations for 11/18-11/22
Fitness Classes:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: RGP (Rancho Grande Park)
Buggy Bootcamp:
Monday/Wednesday: RGP
Manic Mondays: Can be anything!
Cardio Wednesdays: Hills, stairs, high cardio
Tabata Fridays: Tabata workouts (4 minutes of high intensity)
Email CIA and let me know about your goal for the next 5 weeks!
Locations for 11/18-11/22
Fitness Classes:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: RGP (Rancho Grande Park)
Buggy Bootcamp:
Monday/Wednesday: RGP
Manic Mondays: Can be anything!
Cardio Wednesdays: Hills, stairs, high cardio
Tabata Fridays: Tabata workouts (4 minutes of high intensity)
Email CIA and let me know about your goal for the next 5 weeks!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Last week locations!
Time CHANGE------- Wahoo!!!!! We will have some extra light for a little while, 545's. I don't know about you, but I am so excited!
Last week of the session locations:
M/W/F 545 and 9am @ Rancho Grande Park
Bring iPod's on Wednesday for our mile retest!
See ya at the park!
Last week of the session locations:
M/W/F 545 and 9am @ Rancho Grande Park
Bring iPod's on Wednesday for our mile retest!
See ya at the park!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Week 4 Locations!
Good-morning, friends!!!
We are entering week 4 of our second Fall session. How's your water challenge going? Getting in the correct amount during the day? Here are some tips: get out the exact amount of bottles you would need to drink in the day and have the ready. Fill a reusable water bottle and mark it with a sharpie and the time that you should have that amount done. Drink a glass of water before each meal and one in between each. Let me know if you need more!
Monday: Bandstand in AG
Wednesday: Wilmar Stairs for a spooky workout
Friday: Tabata at RGP
Chance of rain Monday and Tuesday. Only 30%, so on the central coast....you know that could mean NOTHING. :) IF it does rain, Monday we will be at the rotary bandstand in the village (corner of Nelson and Short St.)
Here is a link to some homemade healthier versions of those delicious candy treats that your kiddos will be bringing home this Thursday.
We are entering week 4 of our second Fall session. How's your water challenge going? Getting in the correct amount during the day? Here are some tips: get out the exact amount of bottles you would need to drink in the day and have the ready. Fill a reusable water bottle and mark it with a sharpie and the time that you should have that amount done. Drink a glass of water before each meal and one in between each. Let me know if you need more!
Monday: Bandstand in AG
Wednesday: Wilmar Stairs for a spooky workout
Friday: Tabata at RGP
Chance of rain Monday and Tuesday. Only 30%, so on the central coast....you know that could mean NOTHING. :) IF it does rain, Monday we will be at the rotary bandstand in the village (corner of Nelson and Short St.)
Here is a link to some homemade healthier versions of those delicious candy treats that your kiddos will be bringing home this Thursday.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Week 3 Locations and H20
Happy Sunday!
Forecast: 75* and sunny ALL week!
Locations: Monday/ Friday at Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday at Ventana St. (park in Chumash Park parking lot)
Challenge: Water!!
The basic equation for determining how much water your body needs is to divide your body weight in half. So if you weight 200 pounds, you would need 100 ounces of water PER day for a non-strenous day. If you are working out, hiking, outdoors for an extreme amount of time you will need to add to that 100 ounces.
So, your challenge this week is to figure out how much water YOU need and get that amount daily. I'll check in with you to see how you're doing!
Forecast: 75* and sunny ALL week!
Locations: Monday/ Friday at Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday at Ventana St. (park in Chumash Park parking lot)
Challenge: Water!!
The basic equation for determining how much water your body needs is to divide your body weight in half. So if you weight 200 pounds, you would need 100 ounces of water PER day for a non-strenous day. If you are working out, hiking, outdoors for an extreme amount of time you will need to add to that 100 ounces.
So, your challenge this week is to figure out how much water YOU need and get that amount daily. I'll check in with you to see how you're doing!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Week 2 Locations
Fall Session 2
--Week 2 Locations
MWF 545 and MW 9am
Rancho Grande Park all week
Finals numbers established Monday AM. What this means is----- you can still bring someone tomorrow to lower the price. Tentative number is 6 ($100 for the session). Please be prepared to pay for the session (cash, check, credit/debit all are acceptable). Please refresh yourself on CIA's policies.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Ladies, please read this article on self-breast exams and what to keep an eye out for. Share this link with friends and family to help keep them healthy as well!
If anyone is interested in the upcoming TABATA Bootcamp, come check out a Friday class. Friday's are always Tabata!
Looking forward to seeing you at the Park!
--Week 2 Locations
MWF 545 and MW 9am
Rancho Grande Park all week
Finals numbers established Monday AM. What this means is----- you can still bring someone tomorrow to lower the price. Tentative number is 6 ($100 for the session). Please be prepared to pay for the session (cash, check, credit/debit all are acceptable). Please refresh yourself on CIA's policies.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Ladies, please read this article on self-breast exams and what to keep an eye out for. Share this link with friends and family to help keep them healthy as well!
If anyone is interested in the upcoming TABATA Bootcamp, come check out a Friday class. Friday's are always Tabata!
Looking forward to seeing you at the Park!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Fall Session 2
Fall Session #2 is beginning! Will YOU be there? Stop making excuses and get there. Sweater season is among us (not that we would know by the recent weather) and we will not hide under them. First class FREE. Seriously.....free. How do you say "no" to free?!
October 7th-Nov 8th (5 weeks)
545am MWF
9am MW
10:15 MW (Strollers)
Prices vary between classes, ask for more information.
First week locations:
Rancho Grande Park all week
October 7th-Nov 8th (5 weeks)
545am MWF
9am MW
10:15 MW (Strollers)
Prices vary between classes, ask for more information.
First week locations:
Rancho Grande Park all week
Want a metabolism makeover?
Want to burn more body fat, improve your glucose and insulin response (and potentially prevent Type 2 Diabetes), increase your metabolic rate, and get all these results by SPENDING LESS TIME WORKING OUT?
Me, too!
So I researched High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and similar programs and I am excited to share the good news with you:
You can work out for a shorter period of time (4 to 30 minutes) using HIIT and get better results than the old fashioned “steady state cardio” we used to suggest for weight loss (30-60 minutes on the treadmill for example).
Woo Hoo! Let’s celebrate!
The fact is, we’ve known for years that doing intervals of higher intensity work combined with lower intensity (or even rest intervals when the high intensity is super high) has been shown to help improve fitness and athletic performance.
But what’s really exciting to me is the current research that shows an increase in metabolism, so that you can burn more fat and calories by doing these shorter, harder workouts.
It’s not that HIIT workouts necessarily burn more calories during the workout, but they actually increase EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), which means your metabolism is increased for a longer period of time after the workout, which means you burn more calories the rest of the day! (Some studies showed 24 hours of elevated metabolism) Yippeee!!!!
EVEN BETTER fat burning than doing HIIT with just aerobic exercise like running or biking, is to use your muscles while getting your heart rate up, like we do here in our CIA workouts.
To increase your metabolism, change your body composition and get healthy and fit, it takes a combination of nutrition and exercise. But not just any exercise and any nutrition. Proper nutrition and highly effective exercise.
Our 8 week Tabata BootCamp Program is an all-inclusive lifestyle makeover program which includes an interactive website, nutrition guidance, recipes and easy-to-follow meal plans, daily 6 minute metabolism boosting home workouts (everyone can squeeze in 6 minnutes of exercise, right?!), plus coaching from me, group support, accountability! Best of all the entire program is just $225 for the entire 8 weeks. (Cut out your $5 daily coffee drink and snack and you can spend the money on your healthier new body instead!)
Where will you be in 8 weeks, closer to your goals or at your goal? (Or, if you do nothing different, you'll probably be where you are now.)
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Week 5
*Week 5 locations:
Both fitness and buggy are at Rancho Grande Park.
*This is our last week of the session. We will take a week off, then back into a 5 session.
*New comers: first class free. Regulars: bring a friend who signs up for a session and get a referral credit of $20! Up to 5 friends ($100). Our classes are awesome (YOU guys are awesome)---let's spread the word!
Both fitness and buggy are at Rancho Grande Park.
*This is our last week of the session. We will take a week off, then back into a 5 session.
*New comers: first class free. Regulars: bring a friend who signs up for a session and get a referral credit of $20! Up to 5 friends ($100). Our classes are awesome (YOU guys are awesome)---let's spread the word!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Week 4 locations!
Happy Sunday!
Sorry this is so late, I was at an awesome training for Tabata Bootcamp all day! My legs are toast though. hah! Heading into week 4...just two weeks left before our break. Take advantage of these workouts. YOU are paying for them, get your money's worth by being there and ready to work. You will not regret it, in fact you will be so glad you got out there and worked your hardest! Can't wait to see you all!
ALL fitness and buggy classes:
Monday: RGP
Wednesday: Wilmar Stairs
Friday: RGP
Sorry this is so late, I was at an awesome training for Tabata Bootcamp all day! My legs are toast though. hah! Heading into week 4...just two weeks left before our break. Take advantage of these workouts. YOU are paying for them, get your money's worth by being there and ready to work. You will not regret it, in fact you will be so glad you got out there and worked your hardest! Can't wait to see you all!
ALL fitness and buggy classes:
Monday: RGP
Wednesday: Wilmar Stairs
Friday: RGP
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Week 3 Locations!
Heading into week 3 and almost half way through the session. Here are our locations for the week:
Fitness Classes:
MF-Rancho Grande Park
W- Rodeo and Mercedes Lane Intersection (park where you can find parking)
M-Rancho Grande Park
W-Rodeo and Mercedes Lane Intersection (park where you can find parking)
M-Rancho Grande Park
W-Rodeo and Mercedes Lane Intersection (park where you can find parking)
1. Have you filled out and turned in your medical history and new waiver? Please let me know if you haven't, so I can get you one.
2. Please review your registration information with me so I have all the correct information.
3. Pay your balance
CIA Outdoor Fitness will have a booth at the Harvest Festival at the end of the month, make sure you stop by and visit!
Fitness Classes:
MF-Rancho Grande Park
W- Rodeo and Mercedes Lane Intersection (park where you can find parking)
M-Rancho Grande Park
W-Rodeo and Mercedes Lane Intersection (park where you can find parking)
M-Rancho Grande Park
W-Rodeo and Mercedes Lane Intersection (park where you can find parking)
1. Have you filled out and turned in your medical history and new waiver? Please let me know if you haven't, so I can get you one.
2. Please review your registration information with me so I have all the correct information.
3. Pay your balance
CIA Outdoor Fitness will have a booth at the Harvest Festival at the end of the month, make sure you stop by and visit!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
One week down and you guys are doing awesome! We are heading into a holiday weekend---hope you are doing something fun and active. Maybe conquer a project around the house that's been awaiting your attention. I'm off for a girls weekend with my sisters and best friend.
--Locations and times next week--
Monday: Labor Day
Fitness: only ONE class 7am at the park
Buggy: No class (Friday make-up)
Fitness: Rancho Grande Park
Buggy: Rancho Grande Park
**Remember to bring back your new medical history and waivers if you haven't already!
--Locations and times next week--
Monday: Labor Day
Fitness: only ONE class 7am at the park
Buggy: No class (Friday make-up)
Fitness: Rancho Grande Park
Buggy: Rancho Grande Park
**Remember to bring back your new medical history and waivers if you haven't already!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
It's ON!!!
August 26th----OFFICIAL first day of the Fall Session!
a Let's Do This attitude
Locations for ALL Classes: Rancho Grande Park All week
Check out the blog below for the new changes!
a Let's Do This attitude
Locations for ALL Classes: Rancho Grande Park All week
Check out the blog below for the new changes!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
New Session begins!!
We are days away from beginning the new session! August 26th is our tentative start date. I say tentative because I am waiting on hearing back from my liability insurance. That will be our goal date, but if by chance I haven't gotten the liability insurance up and running, it will be the following Monday, September the 2nd! My goal is the 26th because I know you are all as anxious as I am.
Some changes right off the bat:
1. 5 week long sessions (with the possible exception of our first session--fingers crossed!)
2. New times:
Fitness Classes:
MWF 5:45a-6:45a
MW 9a-10a *new time
Buggy Classes
MW 10:15a-11:15a *new time
TTH 9:30a-10:30a *new time
3. New Pricing:
Fitness Classes:
MWF 5:45's: Same pricing options one, two, or three classes a week---your choice
MW 9's: Whole session only (no one or two classes). You will pay a deposit to hold your spot and on the first day of class total price will be determined by number of participants. The more participants, the lower the session cost. For example: 4 people $120 for the session or 10 people $60 for the session. Each additional person brings the cost down. You can pay your deposit online via paypal!
Buggy Classes:
Same as always, must have a minimum of 5 participants and the more participants the lower the cost per class. For example: 5 participants $110 or up to 10 for $60. You can pay your deposit online via paypal!
**Accepting Cash, Check, or Credit card payments due the first day of class.
Can't wait to see you all at the park! Check your email and/or the blog for updates!
In the love of fitness,
Some changes right off the bat:
1. 5 week long sessions (with the possible exception of our first session--fingers crossed!)
2. New times:
Fitness Classes:
MWF 5:45a-6:45a
MW 9a-10a *new time
Buggy Classes
MW 10:15a-11:15a *new time
TTH 9:30a-10:30a *new time
3. New Pricing:
Fitness Classes:
MWF 5:45's: Same pricing options one, two, or three classes a week---your choice
MW 9's: Whole session only (no one or two classes). You will pay a deposit to hold your spot and on the first day of class total price will be determined by number of participants. The more participants, the lower the session cost. For example: 4 people $120 for the session or 10 people $60 for the session. Each additional person brings the cost down. You can pay your deposit online via paypal!
Buggy Classes:
Same as always, must have a minimum of 5 participants and the more participants the lower the cost per class. For example: 5 participants $110 or up to 10 for $60. You can pay your deposit online via paypal!
**Accepting Cash, Check, or Credit card payments due the first day of class.
Can't wait to see you all at the park! Check your email and/or the blog for updates!
In the love of fitness,
Friday, August 2, 2013
Nancy's Final Challenge: 30-day Ab Challenge
Okay, here's my final challenge to you: See if you can commit to this 30-day Ab Challenge. Complete the following exercises, 1x each day for 30-days and see if you feel any stonger by the end. As soon as you start it, continue EACH day for 30-days!
In you dayplanner, calendar, or phone, record each day's results.
Do 20 crunches, 20 bicycles (r/l=1), 20 leg drops*, 20 scissors** (r/l = 1), 20 butt bridges, and one forearm plank (toes, NO knees) holding as long as possible.
1 day/week: time how long it takes you to complete the 100 ab moves listed above and record your results.
Each day: time how long you can hold your plank.
Do your best to beat your numbers. Good luck! I'd love to hear how it goes, and how you feel at the end of the 30-days!
*leg drops: on your back with legs together and at a 90degree angle to hips. Keep legs together and lower them as close to the ground without lifting or straining your lower back. Return to start.
**scissors: start in same position as leg drops but lower one leg at a time, scissoring your legs.
With both moves, feel free to put your hands under your hips to help support your lower back.
FYI: My times today (I was focusing on full range of motion and good form, rather than speed):
100: 2 minutes 36 seconds
Plank: 90 seconds
I will miss you all. I will be around if you would like to set up personal training or buddy trainings. Just give me a call: 459-0681, email: murrays1234@sbcglobal.net, or fb (Nancy Murray)
With the love of health and fitness,
In you dayplanner, calendar, or phone, record each day's results.
Do 20 crunches, 20 bicycles (r/l=1), 20 leg drops*, 20 scissors** (r/l = 1), 20 butt bridges, and one forearm plank (toes, NO knees) holding as long as possible.
1 day/week: time how long it takes you to complete the 100 ab moves listed above and record your results.
Each day: time how long you can hold your plank.
Do your best to beat your numbers. Good luck! I'd love to hear how it goes, and how you feel at the end of the 30-days!
*leg drops: on your back with legs together and at a 90degree angle to hips. Keep legs together and lower them as close to the ground without lifting or straining your lower back. Return to start.
**scissors: start in same position as leg drops but lower one leg at a time, scissoring your legs.
With both moves, feel free to put your hands under your hips to help support your lower back.
FYI: My times today (I was focusing on full range of motion and good form, rather than speed):
100: 2 minutes 36 seconds
Plank: 90 seconds
I will miss you all. I will be around if you would like to set up personal training or buddy trainings. Just give me a call: 459-0681, email: murrays1234@sbcglobal.net, or fb (Nancy Murray)
With the love of health and fitness,
Sunday, July 28, 2013
This is the last week of July's session and my last week as well! Such a crazy feeling~it probably won't really hit me until it's time for a new session to start and I'm not planning it! I am super excited for all of you and Danielle as Core In Action moves on to part 2 of it's fitness journey. After Friday's class, there will be a bit of a break with the new session starting towards the end of August. Keep checking the blog, email, and facebook for updates as they develop.
In the meantime, let's talk locations:
MF: 615am bootcamp is at Rancho Grande Park
W: 615am bootcamp is on the hill located on the frontage road near the library. Please email me for directions, if needed.
Buggy Bootcamp: 930am
M and Th at Rancho Grande Park
Note to all: Danielle and Tracy are hosting a party for me :) Please come if you are able. Here are the details:
Tracy 's
Langwood's House
220 Garden
St. AG
Bring: An Appetizer or dessert to share
(Coffee and Wine will be provided)
In the meantime, let's talk locations:
MF: 615am bootcamp is at Rancho Grande Park
W: 615am bootcamp is on the hill located on the frontage road near the library. Please email me for directions, if needed.
Buggy Bootcamp: 930am
M and Th at Rancho Grande Park
Note to all: Danielle and Tracy are hosting a party for me :) Please come if you are able. Here are the details:
When: Wednesday,
July 31st 7pm
Bring: An Appetizer or dessert to share
(Coffee and Wine will be provided)
Please RSVP by
Tuesday if you plan on coming!
See you all at the park!
With the love of health and fitness,
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Week 3: Locations
Happy Sunday Everyone!
Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. Hope you are able to get outside and enjoy. We are heading in to week 3, already! Here is this week's plan:
Monday: Circuit Training at Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday: Track work and stairs at Paulding Middle School track
Thursday: Buggy Bootcamp at the park
Friday: Bootcamp with Danielle
600am (Note time change for this workout)
Hope to see you all some time this week.
With the love of health and fitness,
Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. Hope you are able to get outside and enjoy. We are heading in to week 3, already! Here is this week's plan:
Monday: Circuit Training at Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday: Track work and stairs at Paulding Middle School track
Thursday: Buggy Bootcamp at the park
Friday: Bootcamp with Danielle
600am (Note time change for this workout)
Hope to see you all some time this week.
With the love of health and fitness,
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Week 2: Locations!
Hi ladies!!
Week 2 locations:
615am Bootcamp:
Monday and Friday: Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday: Wilmar St.
930am Buggy Bootcamp: Please allow time for you to get you and your baby settled so we can start class on time!
Monday: Rancho Grande Park
Thursday: Wilmar St. Stairs
Week 2 locations:
615am Bootcamp:
Monday and Friday: Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday: Wilmar St.
930am Buggy Bootcamp: Please allow time for you to get you and your baby settled so we can start class on time!
Monday: Rancho Grande Park
Thursday: Wilmar St. Stairs
Saturday, July 6, 2013
B2B: Back to Bootcamp!
After a 2-week LONG break, we will be back to bootcamp on Monday, July 8-Friday, August 2. Classes will be MWF from 615am-715am and there is a special Buggy Bootcamp, MThs from 930am-1030am.
I also want to let you know, after 7 wonderful years of Core In Action Bootcamp, I am ready to pass the baton to Danielle who will be taking over the business for me after this summer's session. August 2nd will be my last bootcamp session. I have loved every minute of it (except maybe the 545am 29 degree mornings this past winter-haha!), and I have met the most AMAZING people! I plan to continue small group trainings and personal training and possibly event trainings (like City to Sea, Obstacle Course training, Strawberry Festival, etc) on my own, but am looking for a little more freedom in my schedule to visit my kids and travel with my husband. I am so excited to have Danielle and Jonny Lien take over CIA, but as you can imagine, it is all a bit bittersweet for me.
I'm hoping to see you all at bootcamp starting July 8 @ Rancho Grande Park: 615am-715am. We will be at the park all week.
Pricing for summer:
12 classes: $120
8 classes: $100
4 classes: $60
Please remember to pay for your session on your first day of attendance!
With the love of health and fitness,
I also want to let you know, after 7 wonderful years of Core In Action Bootcamp, I am ready to pass the baton to Danielle who will be taking over the business for me after this summer's session. August 2nd will be my last bootcamp session. I have loved every minute of it (except maybe the 545am 29 degree mornings this past winter-haha!), and I have met the most AMAZING people! I plan to continue small group trainings and personal training and possibly event trainings (like City to Sea, Obstacle Course training, Strawberry Festival, etc) on my own, but am looking for a little more freedom in my schedule to visit my kids and travel with my husband. I am so excited to have Danielle and Jonny Lien take over CIA, but as you can imagine, it is all a bit bittersweet for me.
I'm hoping to see you all at bootcamp starting July 8 @ Rancho Grande Park: 615am-715am. We will be at the park all week.
Pricing for summer:
12 classes: $120
8 classes: $100
4 classes: $60
Please remember to pay for your session on your first day of attendance!
With the love of health and fitness,
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Wednesday: Hill Day Location
Hi all. A little change to the locations posted on Sunday:
We will meet in the Grace Church parking lot to do our workout on Grace Lane for Wednesday. See you there!
Need: music (iPod), water, mat.
We will meet in the Grace Church parking lot to do our workout on Grace Lane for Wednesday. See you there!
Need: music (iPod), water, mat.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Week 4!
Here we go into our final week of this session! We will be on break the following 2 weeks after that and start up our summer session on July 8 with one class time only from 615am-715am, MWFs.
Come and get your workouts in this week with all classes at Rancho Grande Park.
MWF: 545am and 915am
FYI: Buggy Bootcamp is meeting Tu and Wed this week.
Happy Father's Day to all your Dads! Enjoy your day!
Come and get your workouts in this week with all classes at Rancho Grande Park.
MWF: 545am and 915am
FYI: Buggy Bootcamp is meeting Tu and Wed this week.
Happy Father's Day to all your Dads! Enjoy your day!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Week 3: Locations
We are half way through this session, already! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I got a couple good runs in and hiked the ridge in Shell Beach, too. June gloom is here, but it sure is great weather to exercise in, I must say!
Monday: RG Park for Circuit Training
Wednesday: Wilmar St. Stairs
Friday: RG Park
Survey: if you haven't yet filled out the survey, please do! I value your input in setting up the summer schedule. If you didn't get a survey, it's in the blog post below this one. You can email me your responses. Due to travel plans of many of our "regulars", I may condense bootcamp to one class time this summer. So, please, let me know asap so I can set the schedule. Just as an FYI, I know for sure we will be off the weeks of June 24 and July 1.
Hope to see you all at the park and/or at Wilmar St. this week.
With the love of health and fitness,
Monday: RG Park for Circuit Training
Wednesday: Wilmar St. Stairs
Friday: RG Park
Survey: if you haven't yet filled out the survey, please do! I value your input in setting up the summer schedule. If you didn't get a survey, it's in the blog post below this one. You can email me your responses. Due to travel plans of many of our "regulars", I may condense bootcamp to one class time this summer. So, please, let me know asap so I can set the schedule. Just as an FYI, I know for sure we will be off the weeks of June 24 and July 1.
Hope to see you all at the park and/or at Wilmar St. this week.
With the love of health and fitness,
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Week 2: Locations, Challenge, and Survey
Happy June, everyone! Hope you all had a great first week of bootcamp and are ready for week 2. We will be hanging out at the park all week, for the most part. Wednesday, hill day, we will meet at Grace Church's parking lot for the infamous hill crossing workout.....or 4 corners' workout.....or whatever you'd like to call it! Big thanks for Danielle for running some awesome workouts last week while I was finishing up my vaca in Mexico.
Monday, RGPark, circuit training
Wednesday, Grace Church parking lot, hills and tunes
Friday, RGPark
I introduced this challenge to the 915 group last week, but here it is again for all to consider:
If you have a smart phone, get either the My Fitness Pal app or Livestrong.com app. These are both great, easy to use apps to track your food consumption, weightloss or maintenance goals, and fitness. So many of us underestimate what/how much we are eating and then can't understand why we can't lose weight or gain weight. Exercise is a part of the equation, but more importantly it's what and how much we eat. I've been using it for a couple weeks, and it's so easy!
The challenge: start using it TODAY, and commit to it for the remainder of this session (and beyond) and let's see what success we can experience! Email or fb me if you are in!
I will be bringing a survey to class this week for all to fill out regarding summer. I am putting it on the blog, too, so you can look it over, even email me the answers to the questions, if you'd like. I really value your input, so I thank you in advance for taking the time to fill it out.
Circle the
following days/times you could/would attend bootcamp this summer, if days/times
were changed(circle all that apply):
Monday, RGPark, circuit training
Wednesday, Grace Church parking lot, hills and tunes
Friday, RGPark
I introduced this challenge to the 915 group last week, but here it is again for all to consider:
If you have a smart phone, get either the My Fitness Pal app or Livestrong.com app. These are both great, easy to use apps to track your food consumption, weightloss or maintenance goals, and fitness. So many of us underestimate what/how much we are eating and then can't understand why we can't lose weight or gain weight. Exercise is a part of the equation, but more importantly it's what and how much we eat. I've been using it for a couple weeks, and it's so easy!
The challenge: start using it TODAY, and commit to it for the remainder of this session (and beyond) and let's see what success we can experience! Email or fb me if you are in!
I will be bringing a survey to class this week for all to fill out regarding summer. I am putting it on the blog, too, so you can look it over, even email me the answers to the questions, if you'd like. I really value your input, so I thank you in advance for taking the time to fill it out.
Are you
planning to continue bootcamp over the summer?
Y or N
If yes, what is your level of commitment?
If small
group trainings were offered over the summer (small group = 4 max), would you
be interested? Y or N
group is like personal training but more affordable.
Personal training = $60/hour; Small group
training = $25/hour
Since the group is
limited to 3-4 people, you would have more personal attention and classes would
be set up to meet your specific needs.
If beach
bootcamp, small group trainings were offered over the summer, would you be
interested? Y or N
If yes, could you pull together a group of 4?
What would
you like to see CIA offer more of, or specialty training
M Tu W Th
545am 7am 8am 915am
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Bootcamp is on break this week: May 20-May 27
Have a great week off! We will be back on May 28-June 21. Go online to pre-pay for next session and be entered in a drawing to win a free one-hour personal training session with Nancy! Recruit a new bootcamper and get entered a second time!
Week one schedule:
May 28-May 31
545am-645am: WF (no Monday): Rancho Grande Park
915am-1015am: TuTh (no MWF): Rancho Grande Park
Week two thru four:
June 3-June 21:
545am: MWFs
915am: MWFs
Locations to be updated each week
I will be conducting a survey regarding summer and schedules to determine the summer plan. I know many travel, kids are home so availability is affected, etc. Stay tuned.
So, adios, my friends!
Have a great week off and I will see you soon.
With the love of health and fitness,
Have a great week off! We will be back on May 28-June 21. Go online to pre-pay for next session and be entered in a drawing to win a free one-hour personal training session with Nancy! Recruit a new bootcamper and get entered a second time!
Week one schedule:
May 28-May 31
545am-645am: WF (no Monday): Rancho Grande Park
915am-1015am: TuTh (no MWF): Rancho Grande Park
Week two thru four:
June 3-June 21:
545am: MWFs
915am: MWFs
Locations to be updated each week
I will be conducting a survey regarding summer and schedules to determine the summer plan. I know many travel, kids are home so availability is affected, etc. Stay tuned.
So, adios, my friends!
Have a great week off and I will see you soon.
With the love of health and fitness,
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Week 4: May 13-17
Hope you are all having a wonderful Mother's Day, no matter how you have chosen to spend it! I road tripped it to L.A. yesterday for a Mother's Day picnic with my daughter and then side-tripped it to Bakersfield to have breakfast with my mom this morning, and now I am home with my husband, hoping to be taken out to dinner because I don't want to cook!! :)
We are starting up our final week of this current session.
Locations for week 4: May 13-17
MF: Rancho Grande Park
W: the Dunes in Grover Beach, meet at Fin's Restaurant at the end of Grand Avenue
Also: I sent an email last Friday to update everyone on punch card status and info....info which bears repeating!
1. New session prices are on the website. If you pre-pay this week, your name will be entered in a drawing for a one-hour personal training session with me. Drawing will be held the first Monday of the next session. This does not apply to Buggy Bootcamp
2. Recruit a new bootcamper and you will get your name in the drawing, again!
New Session dates: May 28-June 21
545am class first week: WF and then MWF throughout the remainder of the session
915am class first week: TuTh and then MWF throughout the remainder of the session
930am Buggy Bootcamp: WF first week, then MW throughout the remainder of the session
So, prepay for next session and enter a chance to win a one-on-one session with Nancy!!
In the love of health, fitness, and motherhood :).
We are starting up our final week of this current session.
Locations for week 4: May 13-17
MF: Rancho Grande Park
W: the Dunes in Grover Beach, meet at Fin's Restaurant at the end of Grand Avenue
Also: I sent an email last Friday to update everyone on punch card status and info....info which bears repeating!
1. New session prices are on the website. If you pre-pay this week, your name will be entered in a drawing for a one-hour personal training session with me. Drawing will be held the first Monday of the next session. This does not apply to Buggy Bootcamp
2. Recruit a new bootcamper and you will get your name in the drawing, again!
New Session dates: May 28-June 21
545am class first week: WF and then MWF throughout the remainder of the session
915am class first week: TuTh and then MWF throughout the remainder of the session
930am Buggy Bootcamp: WF first week, then MW throughout the remainder of the session
So, prepay for next session and enter a chance to win a one-on-one session with Nancy!!
In the love of health, fitness, and motherhood :).
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Week 3: May 6-May 10
Week 3 ALREADY! We are 1/2 way through this session; one more weird schedule week for you 915'rs too! I am posting early, again, since I will be out of town through Monday morning. Also, I send out punch card updates on Monday, so for those of you who are still working off a punch card, you will know how many classes you have left. I should have the new pricing on the website soon!
545am (915'rs are ALWAYS welcome)
MWF, business as usual!
Monday, Rancho Grande Park(Danielle)
Wednesday, Rancho Grande Park (Nancy)
Friday, Wilmar Stairs (Nancy)
Wednesday, Rancho Grande Park
Friday, Wilmar Stairs
Monday, Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday, Wilmar Stairs
Deposits are being taken NOW for BBC's next session. 10 mamas max, with 3 spots already taken (as of 5/2/2013)
Week 4, May 13-17: MWF for 545am and 915am! Woohoo!!
Heads up for next month session:
545am (11 classes total)
Week 1: May 29-31 WF only
Week 2-4: June 3-21 MWF
915am (11 classes total)
Week 1: May 28-30 TTH
Week 2-4: June 3-21 MWF
915am'rs ( and anyone else who wants to)
Try to get at least 2 days of cardio in between your last bootcamp workout and your next!
Do your core crusher for 4 minutes, each day:
5 pushups to planks (5 on each side)
5 frog plank jumps
5 side ab crunches
5 bicycles (r/l=1)
5 mountain climbers (r/l = 1)
Have an amazing weekend! I'm am off to Arcata to visit my son. I will be home Monday morning!
With the love of health and fitness,
545am (915'rs are ALWAYS welcome)
MWF, business as usual!
Monday, Rancho Grande Park(Danielle)
Wednesday, Rancho Grande Park (Nancy)
Friday, Wilmar Stairs (Nancy)
Wednesday, Rancho Grande Park
Friday, Wilmar Stairs
Monday, Rancho Grande Park
Wednesday, Wilmar Stairs
Deposits are being taken NOW for BBC's next session. 10 mamas max, with 3 spots already taken (as of 5/2/2013)
Week 4, May 13-17: MWF for 545am and 915am! Woohoo!!
Heads up for next month session:
545am (11 classes total)
Week 1: May 29-31 WF only
Week 2-4: June 3-21 MWF
915am (11 classes total)
Week 1: May 28-30 TTH
Week 2-4: June 3-21 MWF
915am'rs ( and anyone else who wants to)
Try to get at least 2 days of cardio in between your last bootcamp workout and your next!
Do your core crusher for 4 minutes, each day:
5 pushups to planks (5 on each side)
5 frog plank jumps
5 side ab crunches
5 bicycles (r/l=1)
5 mountain climbers (r/l = 1)
Have an amazing weekend! I'm am off to Arcata to visit my son. I will be home Monday morning!
With the love of health and fitness,
Friday, April 26, 2013
Week 2: Schedule and Locations
Posting this a bit early since I will be out of town. Here is what we have in store for you on our week 2 of bootcamp:
Buggy Bootcamp:
M, 930am @ Rancho Grande Park
W, 930am @ Pismo Beach
545am Bootcamp
MWF @ Rancho Grande Park
915am Bootcamp
TuTh @ Rancho Grande Park
PLEASE, if you have not paid for this session yet, plan on paying at your NEXT workout! If your punch card runs out, talk to Nancy about the fee for the remainder of the session, and bring payment at the NEXT workout after your last class. The new pricing is not on the website yet, so you can't pay via paypal. I am working on getting it updated. If you need a reminder of rates, read the blog under this one! Thank you!
Have an amazing weekend. Keep good thoughts for my friends and me as we run the Ojai 1/2 marathon on Sunday! I will keep good thoughts for you as I lounge by the pool on Monday, recooping from our run! :)
With the love of health and fitness,
Buggy Bootcamp:
M, 930am @ Rancho Grande Park
W, 930am @ Pismo Beach
545am Bootcamp
MWF @ Rancho Grande Park
915am Bootcamp
TuTh @ Rancho Grande Park
PLEASE, if you have not paid for this session yet, plan on paying at your NEXT workout! If your punch card runs out, talk to Nancy about the fee for the remainder of the session, and bring payment at the NEXT workout after your last class. The new pricing is not on the website yet, so you can't pay via paypal. I am working on getting it updated. If you need a reminder of rates, read the blog under this one! Thank you!
Have an amazing weekend. Keep good thoughts for my friends and me as we run the Ojai 1/2 marathon on Sunday! I will keep good thoughts for you as I lounge by the pool on Monday, recooping from our run! :)
With the love of health and fitness,
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Hip hip hooray!! Hope you all had a glorious week off! Couldn't ask for better weather! Should continue for us and we will even have a bit more daylight during the 545am workout! If you didn't get a chance to read the article below this post, it's great!
Okay, this week's schedule/locations:
Monday, Wed, and Friday for 545am and 915am! ALL at Rancho Grande Park.
Buggy Bootcamp is FULL!! So all you mamas and buggies, meet at Rancho Grande Park, MW @ 930am.
Please RSVP and/or if you KNOW you ARE NOT coming, please let me know. Sure helps with planning! Thanks.
Some changes ahead:
Schedule for this session will look like this (please note it in your dayplanners/calendars/phones):
545am class: (12 classes)
MWF all 4 weeks
915am class: (10 classes)
Week 1: April 22-26, MWF
Week 2: April 29-May 3, Tu/Th (NO MWF)
Week 3: May 6-10, WF (NO Mon)
Week 4: May 13-17, MWF
Pricing Changes: (in effect thru June session)
No new punch cards will be sold at this time.
1,2,or 3x/week session pricing; expires at the end of a session--no roll-overs!
1x/week (4 classes total): $60
2x/week (8 classes total): $100
3x/week (12 classes total--545am class only): $120
Session fee (915am only): commit to all 10 classes in this current session: $115
Drop in fee for guests: $15/class
Add-on fee (for current campers only): $10/class
For example, you paid for 8 classes but want to come to an extra class.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
With the love of health and fitness,
Okay, this week's schedule/locations:
Monday, Wed, and Friday for 545am and 915am! ALL at Rancho Grande Park.
Buggy Bootcamp is FULL!! So all you mamas and buggies, meet at Rancho Grande Park, MW @ 930am.
Please RSVP and/or if you KNOW you ARE NOT coming, please let me know. Sure helps with planning! Thanks.
Some changes ahead:
Schedule for this session will look like this (please note it in your dayplanners/calendars/phones):
545am class: (12 classes)
MWF all 4 weeks
915am class: (10 classes)
Week 1: April 22-26, MWF
Week 2: April 29-May 3, Tu/Th (NO MWF)
Week 3: May 6-10, WF (NO Mon)
Week 4: May 13-17, MWF
Pricing Changes: (in effect thru June session)
No new punch cards will be sold at this time.
1,2,or 3x/week session pricing; expires at the end of a session--no roll-overs!
1x/week (4 classes total): $60
2x/week (8 classes total): $100
3x/week (12 classes total--545am class only): $120
Session fee (915am only): commit to all 10 classes in this current session: $115
Drop in fee for guests: $15/class
Add-on fee (for current campers only): $10/class
For example, you paid for 8 classes but want to come to an extra class.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
With the love of health and fitness,
Monday, April 15, 2013
The How's and Why's to Eat Clean
Read this:
No, it’s not all about making sure those carrots are squeaky clean before chowing down (though that’s probably not a bad idea). While there's no hard and fast definition, clean eating is all about consuming only whole foods (think: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains), while avoiding processed and fast foods at all costs. The idea is to promote health and encourage individuals to become aware of what they are eating (not to mention the benefits of lowering sugar, sodium, and artificial ingredient intake). So what’s the fuss all about, and should you try it, too? Due to the lack of super-strict rules attached to this lifestyle, its popularity may lie in its ability to encourage healthier eating by allowing people to pick the foods they like and reap healthy rewards.
Healthy Vegetables
Photo by Marissa Angell
While the term "clean eating" is relatively new, the concept originates from the 1960’s and its (hippy-dippy) health-focused condemnation of diets containing high amounts of processed foods. (Keep in mind not all processed foods are equal: They span a spectrum ranging from minimally processed items like the bag of spinach you get at the grocery, to heavily processed foods like the frozen fish chicken nugget in the back of the freezer.) The closer your foods are to the minimally-processed side, the closer you are to eating clean.
The “rules” of eating clean can vary widely, and it’s important to note that this diet isn’t really about losing or gaining weight — it’s just about eating healthier. While some serious clean eaters choose to forego anything that’s been processed at all — meaning they’ll stick to fresh-picked produce, and will pass on supermarket meats, dairy, and grains. Others choose more lenient plans, focusing on eating only whole foods (even if they’ve undergone some minimal processing), allowing conventional supermarket meat, veggies, and grains (though loaf bread with unrecognizable ingredients is probably off limits).
And we’re not the only ones on board with upping veggie intake: The US Dietary Guidelines for 2010 (the most recent) encourage eating more fruits, veggies, and whole grains and reducing the amount of sugary beverages like soda and juice.
Adding more vegetables and quinoa to the plate are great, but cutting down on the added salt and sugar is also important to clean eating (and overall health!). Research shows a reduction of dietary salt intake can help delay or prevent hypertension and decrease the chances of cardiovascular related health issues and death [3]. Additionally, 80 percent of trans fats come from processed foods (the other 20 percent take place naturally in meat and dairy products) — yikes! These trans fats increase LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels that are linked to increased cardiovascular related health issues.
It’s also important to note that allowing yourself a cheat day (or meal, or week-long vacation) every once in a while can actually help you stick to that healthier diet for the long-term. Some research suggest that the occasional cheat day can actually boost metabolism by upping leptin production, which can help the body burn more calories after overeating (at least temporarily). Restricting calories can cause leptin levels (the hormone responsible for maintaining our energy balance and helping with weight loss) to decrease, but temporarily increasing calorie intake can also give a boost to leptin production [4] [5]. It’s that bump that can briefly increase metabolism (by about 30 percent, for up to 24 hours). Plus, you deserve a little reward on Friday night after a long week of healthy eating!
Want to try eating clean yourself? Making time to prepare meals each day can be tough. To make it easier, some suggest creating shopping lists for the week, month, or season and keep the list simple and manageable. Cooking double batches of a recipe can help save time, and you’ll have healthy leftovers to take to work or school the next day. The extra planning may be worth it for the body and the wallet: Research shows that foods from convenience stores are less healthy and more expensive than a well-budgeted and planned out menu from items purchased in a grocery store [6].
Introducing whole fruit and veggie smoothies and juices to your breakfast routine, as well as experimenting with new and creative salads and soups for lunch is a great way to eat cleaner each day. Another way to eat cleanly and effectively is to read each food label (including ingredients!) carefully, and to see how many nutrients the food gives you per serving; there’s nothing wrong with being aware of what’s going in that body and how it makes you feel! Plus, reading the ingredient list is often a clear giveaway as to whether a food would be considered “clean” — a long list of unpronounceable and unrecognizable ingredients is a sure giveaway that something’s been over-processed and loaded with not-so-healthy stuff.
No, it’s not all about making sure those carrots are squeaky clean before chowing down (though that’s probably not a bad idea). While there's no hard and fast definition, clean eating is all about consuming only whole foods (think: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains), while avoiding processed and fast foods at all costs. The idea is to promote health and encourage individuals to become aware of what they are eating (not to mention the benefits of lowering sugar, sodium, and artificial ingredient intake). So what’s the fuss all about, and should you try it, too? Due to the lack of super-strict rules attached to this lifestyle, its popularity may lie in its ability to encourage healthier eating by allowing people to pick the foods they like and reap healthy rewards.
What’s the Deal?
The “rules” of eating clean can vary widely, and it’s important to note that this diet isn’t really about losing or gaining weight — it’s just about eating healthier. While some serious clean eaters choose to forego anything that’s been processed at all — meaning they’ll stick to fresh-picked produce, and will pass on supermarket meats, dairy, and grains. Others choose more lenient plans, focusing on eating only whole foods (even if they’ve undergone some minimal processing), allowing conventional supermarket meat, veggies, and grains (though loaf bread with unrecognizable ingredients is probably off limits).
Why It Matters
The benefits to eating whole foods are plentiful. Research shows that eating fresh fruits and vegetables can aid in the prevention and control of weight gain, which can lead to a host of chronic diseases [1]. Plus, studies suggest a diet rich in these healthy food groups can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and stroke (to name a few!). The consumption of a variety of whole grains and legumes has been linked to reduced risk of diabetes, too [2].And we’re not the only ones on board with upping veggie intake: The US Dietary Guidelines for 2010 (the most recent) encourage eating more fruits, veggies, and whole grains and reducing the amount of sugary beverages like soda and juice.
Adding more vegetables and quinoa to the plate are great, but cutting down on the added salt and sugar is also important to clean eating (and overall health!). Research shows a reduction of dietary salt intake can help delay or prevent hypertension and decrease the chances of cardiovascular related health issues and death [3]. Additionally, 80 percent of trans fats come from processed foods (the other 20 percent take place naturally in meat and dairy products) — yikes! These trans fats increase LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels that are linked to increased cardiovascular related health issues.
Is it Legit?
All signs point to yes (though we’re not saying “all clean, all the time” is definitely the way to go). While it might not be necessary for everyone to eat clean, there don’t seem to be any downsides (other than having to pass on that nitrate-packed chili cheese dog at the ball park). Clean eating is more of a lifestyle than a diet, and its flexibility leave a lot of accountability up to each individual. The key is to being a successful clean eater is eliminating as much processed food as possible. And the great part is that it allows a high level of customization (not a fan of Brussels sprouts? No problem!). As with any change in diet or food consumption, it is always recommended to consult a health care professional (such as your doctor or registered dietitian) who may have suggestions on the best way to get started.It’s also important to note that allowing yourself a cheat day (or meal, or week-long vacation) every once in a while can actually help you stick to that healthier diet for the long-term. Some research suggest that the occasional cheat day can actually boost metabolism by upping leptin production, which can help the body burn more calories after overeating (at least temporarily). Restricting calories can cause leptin levels (the hormone responsible for maintaining our energy balance and helping with weight loss) to decrease, but temporarily increasing calorie intake can also give a boost to leptin production [4] [5]. It’s that bump that can briefly increase metabolism (by about 30 percent, for up to 24 hours). Plus, you deserve a little reward on Friday night after a long week of healthy eating!
Want to try eating clean yourself? Making time to prepare meals each day can be tough. To make it easier, some suggest creating shopping lists for the week, month, or season and keep the list simple and manageable. Cooking double batches of a recipe can help save time, and you’ll have healthy leftovers to take to work or school the next day. The extra planning may be worth it for the body and the wallet: Research shows that foods from convenience stores are less healthy and more expensive than a well-budgeted and planned out menu from items purchased in a grocery store [6].
Introducing whole fruit and veggie smoothies and juices to your breakfast routine, as well as experimenting with new and creative salads and soups for lunch is a great way to eat cleaner each day. Another way to eat cleanly and effectively is to read each food label (including ingredients!) carefully, and to see how many nutrients the food gives you per serving; there’s nothing wrong with being aware of what’s going in that body and how it makes you feel! Plus, reading the ingredient list is often a clear giveaway as to whether a food would be considered “clean” — a long list of unpronounceable and unrecognizable ingredients is a sure giveaway that something’s been over-processed and loaded with not-so-healthy stuff.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
April 8-12
Hope you all had a great weekend. The weather has been pretty amazing and these are the times we LOVE to be exercising outdoors! Good for the body and soul! :)
Bootcamp is in its 4th week with a break the week of April 15-19. Come get your workouts in: 3 opportunities at 545am and 2 opportunities at 915! Many of your punch cards are expiring this week too, so don't miss out!
Buggy Bootcamp is back on this week and next and will roll right in to a new session on April 22. Buggy bootcamp has limited space and the demand is great. Don't forget to pay your deposit for the next session in order to HOLD your spot! If numbers continue to climb, we may look at offering additional days/times!
Locations for the final week: Rancho Grande Park all week
Hope to see you all at the park!
With the love of fitness,
Bootcamp is in its 4th week with a break the week of April 15-19. Come get your workouts in: 3 opportunities at 545am and 2 opportunities at 915! Many of your punch cards are expiring this week too, so don't miss out!
Buggy Bootcamp is back on this week and next and will roll right in to a new session on April 22. Buggy bootcamp has limited space and the demand is great. Don't forget to pay your deposit for the next session in order to HOLD your spot! If numbers continue to climb, we may look at offering additional days/times!
Locations for the final week: Rancho Grande Park all week
Hope to see you all at the park!
With the love of fitness,
Monday, April 1, 2013
Running Bootcamp
Sorry all. Had to cancel Running Bootcamp because the minimum numbers were not met. If you gave me a check for a deposit, I will get it back to you asap.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Week 3: locations
Happy Easter to everyone! Wishing you fun with family and friends on this beautiful day. In the spirit of the holiday, Friday's 8am bootcamp was a fun one, complete with an Easter Egg hunt! There were 60 colorful plastic eggs hidden in Rancho Grande Park for the ladies to find: each color represented a challenging exercise and a prize was given to Diane for finding the most eggs!! :)
Here is what the first week of April has in store for you!
545am and 915am circuit training at Rancho Grande Park: PLEASE RSVP!! (Especially 545am. I already know 915 has met the minimum)
930am: Buggy Bootcamp at Rancho Grande Park
Deadline to commit to Running Bootcamp: Monday April 1!!!
930am Running Bootcamp (if minimum # is met): Bob Jones Trail Parking lot
545am Running Bootcamp (if minimum # is met): Paulding Middle School track
545am and 915am Wilmar Street in Pismo Beach: PLEASE RSVP!
930am: Buggy Bootcamp at Rancho Grande Park
545am at Rancho Grande Park
Sunday: Running Bootcamp long run with location TBA
Busy week!
Please do your best to communicate with us regarding attendance. Thank you ahead of time!!
With the love of fitness,
Here is what the first week of April has in store for you!
545am and 915am circuit training at Rancho Grande Park: PLEASE RSVP!! (Especially 545am. I already know 915 has met the minimum)
930am: Buggy Bootcamp at Rancho Grande Park
Deadline to commit to Running Bootcamp: Monday April 1!!!
930am Running Bootcamp (if minimum # is met): Bob Jones Trail Parking lot
545am Running Bootcamp (if minimum # is met): Paulding Middle School track
545am and 915am Wilmar Street in Pismo Beach: PLEASE RSVP!
930am: Buggy Bootcamp at Rancho Grande Park
545am at Rancho Grande Park
Sunday: Running Bootcamp long run with location TBA
Busy week!
Please do your best to communicate with us regarding attendance. Thank you ahead of time!!
With the love of fitness,
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Check it out!
Running Bootcamp
Dates: April 2-May 26 (8weeks)
Cost: 2 options:
$135 with
Strawberry Stampede registration and t-shirt
$100 and no
registration or t-shirt
10 people minimum-20
people maximum*
*with every person over the minimum, the cost goes down! Recruit a friend to sign-up with you! For example:
12 people registered: $83 w/o SS
registration or $118 with SS reg…and so on!
$40 deposit to hold your spot!
Go to http://www.ciabootcamp.com/schedule.html and pay via paypal. See the drop down item in the Buggy Bootcamp
description that will allow you to pay a deposit. *email me if that doesn’t
make sense!
What is
8 weeks of training including weekly plans
8 group workouts including running drills, core training, and
8 organized group long runs (optional)
Workouts: Tuesdays starting
April 2-May
2 classes to choose from:
930-1030am or 545-645pm
Where do we meet?
April 2, 930-1030am: Bob Jones Trail parking lot
April 2, 545-645pm: Paulding Middle School track
Group long runs: Saturdays or Sundays with a variety of locations/terrains
How do I
sign up?
Email commitment to info@ciabootcamp.com
Pay $40 deposit via check to Nancy/Danielle or paypal
online (see above)
Registration paperwork will be done April 2 and
balance due
What do I
bring to group workouts?
Mat or towel to do core work and stretching
GOOD running shoes!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Week 2: March 25-29
Hope you all had a great weekend! I just returned from a fun weekend in San Diego where I participated in my first obstacle race called the Diva Dash. So much FUN and can't wait to try another one! SLO puts on a mud run in October at Laguna Lake and I think I will have to give it a try!
For week 2, we will be at Rancho Grande Park all week. I am asking you to reply if you know you can/cannot make it to the workout (the day before). Most of us know a day ahead if we can make it or not, and it really helps me plan the class.
There has been a request for a Friday, 915 bootcamp. I am happy to offer the class if I have participants guaranteed to show up for the workout. Please let me know.
Hope to see you all at the park!
In the love of fitness,
For week 2, we will be at Rancho Grande Park all week. I am asking you to reply if you know you can/cannot make it to the workout (the day before). Most of us know a day ahead if we can make it or not, and it really helps me plan the class.
There has been a request for a Friday, 915 bootcamp. I am happy to offer the class if I have participants guaranteed to show up for the workout. Please let me know.
Hope to see you all at the park!
In the love of fitness,
Sunday, March 17, 2013
NO 545am bootcamp on Monday
Heads up ladies!
No 545am bootcamp tomorrow, Monday, March 18. We will be on for Wednesday, March 20. See you then. Check back with the blog, because I understand we may be in for some rain?
915 is on, as planned!
No 545am bootcamp tomorrow, Monday, March 18. We will be on for Wednesday, March 20. See you then. Check back with the blog, because I understand we may be in for some rain?
915 is on, as planned!
Monday, March 11, 2013
NEW Session begins: Monday, March 18
Adios Amigos! I am Mexico bound for about 5 days! Can't wait for a little R&R with my hubby, brother, and sister-in-law. I will return Sunday evening, March 17, so am posting the blog a little early, rather than a lot late!
First, I have to give a shout out to those who stuck with the Belly Buster Challenge all 4 weeks. Positive results were had by all! For those who emailed me results, this is what I know so far:
Inches lost in hips:
Inches lost in waist:
And pounds were lost! One person lost 8 pounds and one person lost 3!
Congrats to everyone who participated!!
Second, I have emailed you your punch card status. It also tells you when your punch card will expire. Yes, they do expire! A 10-class punch card is good for 3 sessions only. Punch cards give you the flexibility to come as it works in your schedule, which gives you 10 classes in the 24-36 opportunities available to you over 3 sessions. The 30-class punch card is good for 5 sessions: again, 30 classes within 40-60 classes available. Email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Third, we are offering a Running Bootcamp this year beginning the first week of April. The clas will get you race ready for the annual Strawberry Stampede, whether it's your first time running/walking it, or you just want to establish a new PR! Right now, we are just name gathering to determine interest. More info to come. If you haven't emailed me yet, please do, so I can add you to my list!
Fourth, Buggy Bootcamp Mamas: be sure to pay your deposit to hold your spot in Buggy Bootcamp! Class is limited to 10 and is filling up fast. You can go to our website and pay online!
We will be at Rancho Grande Park ALL week. See you at the park on Monday, March 18.
So, I am signing off, with an additional Adios and with the love of fitness,
As always, any questions, please send me an email: info@ciabootcamp.com
First, I have to give a shout out to those who stuck with the Belly Buster Challenge all 4 weeks. Positive results were had by all! For those who emailed me results, this is what I know so far:
Inches lost in hips:
Inches lost in waist:
And pounds were lost! One person lost 8 pounds and one person lost 3!
Congrats to everyone who participated!!
Second, I have emailed you your punch card status. It also tells you when your punch card will expire. Yes, they do expire! A 10-class punch card is good for 3 sessions only. Punch cards give you the flexibility to come as it works in your schedule, which gives you 10 classes in the 24-36 opportunities available to you over 3 sessions. The 30-class punch card is good for 5 sessions: again, 30 classes within 40-60 classes available. Email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Third, we are offering a Running Bootcamp this year beginning the first week of April. The clas will get you race ready for the annual Strawberry Stampede, whether it's your first time running/walking it, or you just want to establish a new PR! Right now, we are just name gathering to determine interest. More info to come. If you haven't emailed me yet, please do, so I can add you to my list!
Fourth, Buggy Bootcamp Mamas: be sure to pay your deposit to hold your spot in Buggy Bootcamp! Class is limited to 10 and is filling up fast. You can go to our website and pay online!
We will be at Rancho Grande Park ALL week. See you at the park on Monday, March 18.
So, I am signing off, with an additional Adios and with the love of fitness,
As always, any questions, please send me an email: info@ciabootcamp.com
Friday, March 8, 2013
915am'rs: No Bootcamp Today
No class today, Friday, March 8.
Last day of Belly Buster Challenge: take your post measurements, let me know how you did!!
Have a great week off and we are back on schedule March 18.
Last day of Belly Buster Challenge: take your post measurements, let me know how you did!!
Have a great week off and we are back on schedule March 18.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
545'ers---Location change for Friday
545'ers, repeat our Wednesday location. Chance of rain expected again tomorrow, so we will meet at the bandstand! See ya there!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
545am'rs: Bandstand rain or shine
Yep, you too, will be meeting at the bandstand rain or shine! See you then!
915am'rs: check back for more info tomorrow (Wednesday morning)
915am'rs: check back for more info tomorrow (Wednesday morning)
Buggy Bootcamp for Wednesday, 3/6
Buggy Bootcampers: you will be meeting rain or shine at the Rotary Bandstand on Wednesday, March 6 @ 930. A little change of scenery! Have a great workout!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Week 4: March 4-8
Yes, believe it or not, we are starting up week 4. AND, the final week of the Belly Buster Challenge. We will do a post waist and hip measurement Friday. Core Crushers are up to 6:00/day starting Monday! Woohoo!
Looks like we may get some rain this week, too, starting on Wednesday. Check back with the blog in case of rain for relocation.
If no rain, we will be at the park all week!
Happy Sunday, and I will see you in the morning!
Looks like we may get some rain this week, too, starting on Wednesday. Check back with the blog in case of rain for relocation.
If no rain, we will be at the park all week!
Happy Sunday, and I will see you in the morning!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Week 3: February 25- March 1
3rd Week of the Belly Buster Challenge! Core Crushers go up to 5:00 minutes / day! Keep up on your commitment to whittle the waistline and stay away from sugar, eat protein at every meal, dairy as a condiment or none at all, enjoy unlimited non-starchy veggies, and low-sugar fruits. Can't wait to see the results at the end of week 4!
Locations for the 3rd week:
Rancho Grande Park on Monday and Friday
Pismo Beach stairs on Wednesday! Meet on Wilmar Street.
See you all at the park!
Locations for the 3rd week:
Rancho Grande Park on Monday and Friday
Pismo Beach stairs on Wednesday! Meet on Wilmar Street.
See you all at the park!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Week 2: Feb 18-22
Week 2 Update, Week 1 Round-up!
Today is the last day of a 3:00 core crusher! Tomorrow we add 1:00. Record your numbers. Be proud of your daily effort, regardless of your numbers. Any questions, concerns about the challenge? Recipes to share? How are you feeling??
Week 2
Monday is a holiday!
Fitness Bootcamp will only have ONE class at 915. Should be a great day for an awesome circuit training workout at Rancho Grande Park.
NO Buggy Bootcamp on Monday, either!
Wednesday: Could be raining??
545am: Rancho Grande Park or Rotary Bandstand if rain
915am: Rancho Grande Park or Raingear and Umbrellas at Rancho Grande Park, if rain (how fun does that sound!?!)
930am: Buggy Bootcamp: Rancho Grande Park or Rotary Bandstand if rain
545am: Rancho Grande Park with Danielle
930am: Buggy Bootcamp at Rancho Grande Park
Hope to see you all at the park this week. Remember, guests are welcome. If your guest is considering joining, they can have one class free. Otherwise, your guest can use one of your punches (ex.: visiting friends, kids, etc.)
With the love of health and fitness,
Today is the last day of a 3:00 core crusher! Tomorrow we add 1:00. Record your numbers. Be proud of your daily effort, regardless of your numbers. Any questions, concerns about the challenge? Recipes to share? How are you feeling??
Week 2
Monday is a holiday!
Fitness Bootcamp will only have ONE class at 915. Should be a great day for an awesome circuit training workout at Rancho Grande Park.
NO Buggy Bootcamp on Monday, either!
Wednesday: Could be raining??
545am: Rancho Grande Park or Rotary Bandstand if rain
915am: Rancho Grande Park or Raingear and Umbrellas at Rancho Grande Park, if rain (how fun does that sound!?!)
930am: Buggy Bootcamp: Rancho Grande Park or Rotary Bandstand if rain
545am: Rancho Grande Park with Danielle
930am: Buggy Bootcamp at Rancho Grande Park
Hope to see you all at the park this week. Remember, guests are welcome. If your guest is considering joining, they can have one class free. Otherwise, your guest can use one of your punches (ex.: visiting friends, kids, etc.)
With the love of health and fitness,
Friday, February 8, 2013
At last: Here It Is!!
Core in Action’s Belly Blaster Challenge
While we cannot “spot reduce”, we can make an attempt to
reduce the amount of fat we find around our mid-sections. By combining a more focused food intake with
exercise, we can feel better, increase our energy, improve our health and blast
the fat! Exercise alone can’t get the
job done; belly fat is often the outcome of hormones, poor diet, and lack of
exercise. And, probably in that order! Let’s join forces and commit to the
I am offering this 4-week challenge: you decide your level of commitment! There are 2 basic components to this
challenge which begins on Monday,
February 11 through Friday, March 8.
How do I begin? Read
-Sign up for CIA’s bootcamp and commit coming to every
-Measure your waist and hips. For consistency, measure at your belly button(waist),
and the roundest part of your bum(hips).
I know, your belly button is not your waist!
Part 1: Exercise (of course, you
need to come to bootcamp! Workouts will
be focused on higher intensity, more strength training….all proven to assist in
fat burning!)
Core Crusher (CC): 5 moves (plank pushups, frog plank jumps,
side ab crunches, bicycles, mountain climbers) these will be demonstrated
in bootcamp.
Do CC’s Daily and record (you will get a calendar in class),
trying to beat your reps from the previous day*
5 reps of each move = 1 round3 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) +1:00 each week
3 minutes = week 1
4 minutes = week 2
5 minutes = week 3
6 minutes = week 4
*How to score: Example: 2 full rounds plus 3 frog planks= 3 rounds + 5 plank push-ups+3 frog planks = 2 + 8
Get 6-8 hours sleep/night and drink 8-8 oz glasses of water/day
Rules for everyone:
Protein at every meal
Unlimited foods Limited
Lean protein Starchy
carbs/sweet fruits (5-15 bites /meal only)Non-Starchy Vegetables Fats and Fatty Meats (1-2 handful nuts/day)
Lower sugar Fruits Alcohol
NOW, choose your
level of commitment:
Beginner: eliminate sugar, dairy as a condiment only, 1
cheat day/weekIntermediate: eliminate sugar and dairy, no cheat day
Advanced: eliminate sugar, dairy, and alcohol, no cheat day
FYI: (Starch/Sugar +
Fat) x Stress = Belly Fat!
Email me questions, comments, your commitment! See you Monday!
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