Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Nutrition Tidbits from Health Magazine-April 09

Spring treats and the calories they contain:
2 Peeps Brand Marshmallow Bunnies: 65 calories
1 Spring Oreo with Yellow Creme: 54 calories
1 Coconut Egg, from a Godiva Eggstra Special Box: 64 calories
1 Dannon Light&Fit 0% Plus Blueberry Yogurt with 2TB fresh blueberries: 71 calories

Did you know your risk for heart disease climbs fast as you age?
Quick fix: go easy on salt, and fill up on potassium-rich foods, like bananas, spinach, and apricots. A new analysis in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that pairing these strategies can lower risks by up to 33%!