Thursday, May 5, 2011

SLO Workout

Here is a workout you can do, since bootcamp was cancelled for tonight:

Warm-up: jog for 5 minutes, do alternating 20 side-to-side squats, 20 alternating lunges both with shallow range of motion, and jog again, 5 minutes

Pick 2 landmarks about 25 feet apart (trees, light poles, etc)
1x = there and back
Run 5x
20 side-to-side squats,deeper range of motion, with weighted lateral arm raises as you squat
High Knee 5x
20 alternating lunges, deeper range of motion, with weighted bicep curls as you lunge
Shuffle 5x
20 jumping jacks with weighted overhead press

10 supermans on belly---to 5 cat/cow stretches REPEAT set 3x
20 bicycles-10 crunches REPEAST set 3x
:30 forearms planks to downward dog rest REPEAt set 3x

jog 5 minutes
STRETCH: upper and lower body

See you next week!