Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New Session begins!!

We are days away from beginning the new session!  August 26th is our tentative start date.  I say tentative because I am waiting on hearing back from my liability insurance.  That will be our goal date, but if by chance I haven't gotten the liability insurance up and running, it will be the following Monday, September the 2nd!  My goal is the 26th because I know you are all as anxious as I am.

Some changes right off the bat: 
1. 5 week long sessions (with the possible exception of our first session--fingers crossed!)

2. New times:
Fitness Classes:  
MWF 5:45a-6:45a
MW 9a-10a *new time
Buggy Classes
MW 10:15a-11:15a *new time
TTH 9:30a-10:30a  *new time

3. New Pricing:
Fitness Classes:
MWF 5:45's: Same pricing options one, two, or three classes a week---your choice
MW 9's: Whole session only (no one or two classes).  You will pay a deposit to hold your spot and on the first day of class total price will be determined by number of participants.  The more participants, the lower the session cost.  For example: 4 people $120 for the session or 10 people $60 for the session. Each additional person brings the cost down.  You can pay your deposit online via paypal!

Buggy Classes:
Same as always, must have a minimum of 5 participants and the more participants the lower the cost per class.  For example: 5 participants $110 or up to 10 for $60.  You can pay your deposit online via paypal!

**Accepting Cash, Check, or Credit card payments due the first day of class.

Can't wait to see you all at the park!  Check your email and/or the blog for updates!

In the love of fitness,