Sunday, February 16, 2014

Starting our new session!

A week off does a body and mind good!  Ready to get back at it full force until Spring Break---8 weeks long.  This will be a great time to really develop a workout rhythm and healthy habits.  

Our classes offered this session: 

Mondays 5:45am or 9am 
Description:  Increase strength and muscular endurance. An exercise "circuit" is one completion of all prescribed exercises. When one circuit is complete, begin the first exercise again for the next circuit.  Quick transition times to the next exercise.  Each week the circuits will be different with emphasis or focus on different body regions, time, reps, etc.  

High Cardio 
Wednesdays 9am 
Description: A sustained amount of physical activity.  Can vary from high intensity interval training, hills, sprints, prepared course, jump roping,  kickboxing, etc.  Main focus is on raising heart rate and oxygen consumption levels for a determined amount of time.  

Tuesday and Fridays 6am
Description: an enhanced form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. Tabata classes are 45 minutes long with a specific work time of 4 minutes (20sec work,10sec rest). These short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved glucose metabolism, and improved fat burning.  Fun, fast workouts! Capacity 8

Coming soon:  
Express Workouts
30 minute quick workouts with a specific target.  Ranges from a single body area (Core training) to an extra Cardio workout.  

LOCATIONS for 2/17 - 2/21 
Rancho Grande Park for ALL classes!

See you at the Park!