Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 3 Locations and Challenge

Happy Rainy Sunday!!  
Hope you've all enjoyed these last few rainy days, but it looks like clear days ahead for the next week.

Locations for the week: 
Monday Tuesday and Friday classes all at Rancho Grande Park 
Wednesday at Wilmar Stairs  

Weight Loss Challenge: 
First weeks Challenge: WATER!! 64oz every day.  If you miss one or more cups, then you get an infraction.

The Basics: 
5 week Challenge for most % of weight lost. 
Each week will bring a new challenge and they are cumulative. 
March 3rd-April 7th

The Buy-in: 


Each Monday your weight and infractions

So, yes this is a weight loss challenge…..BUT what we ultimately want is to make healthy LIFE-LONG changes to our everyday!
*The $15 is accountability and a motivator for staying true to the challenge.
*Two prizes: The pot (minus$15) for the most % weight lost and $15 for the least amount of infractions.
*Infractions: Whenever you don't follow the challenge, it costs you $1 to the pot.
*Surprises: Weekly opportunities to erase an infraction

Let's make some permanent changes in our lifestyles and possibly win a prize for it!

Bring your $15 to Monday, March 3rd's class!