Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 2

Good morning!!  Hope your weekend is filled with rest and joy---not a lot of rain, unfortunately. And speaking of rain, we have a chance for Monday.  So normally we start our week's ALWAYS at Rancho Grande Park, but not this week.  Let's plan for the Bandstand--rain or shine.  Just easier to keep everyone in ONE place. :)

Facebook followers might have seen that I am doing a 30 day Water Challenge starting TODAY, Sunday March 1st.  I am trying (scratch that) going to drink one gallon of water daily for 30 days and see how it changes my body and my health.  I drink water, but definitely NOT a gallon or even enough.  Water is so important for our bodies and I definitely can notice when I am not drinking enough.  Check out this article about a woman who does this challenge:

**If you are interested in joining me in my water experiment, let me know and I can add you to the FB page or check in with you to keep you accountable.   We can totally do this!!!

Locations for the week:

MONDAY: AG Bandstand (due to possible rain) for both 6am/9:15am

TUESDAY: AG Bandstand for TRX 6am *2 spots available

WEDNESDAY: Rancho Grande Park for 6am Tabata and 915am CardioCore

THURSDAY: AG Bandstand for TRX 6am *1 spot available

FRIDAY: RANCHO Grande Park for 6am Tabata

Also, this week only--NEW CIA CLIENTS ONLY can get 50% off their first session!  Seriously....if that's not a deal, then I don't know what is! :)

See you at the park!