Friday, April 29, 2011

Wellness Cleanse: Start it May 1

We've been walking and talking at Stride class, and most have committed to a 7-day Wellness Cleanse. Wanna join us?

Here are the basics:
May 1-May 7
If you want to continue beyond that, you can go anywhere from a week to 21-days.
BTW: This is the cleanse I completed for the first time last June and it literally changed my life! I basically follow this way of eating 24/7 with a few minor exceptions. I found I feel better, my body naturally let go of extra weight I was carrying, and gave me back control over my diet and health.

Okay, the rules:
Here are the NO's...don't feel like you have to eliminate them all, do what you can and don't worry about the rest.

Sugar (including honey, artificial sweeteners, and anything ending in "-ose") Read your labels. Sugar is in soooo many foods; we have no idea! If you can't give it all up, just give up those products where sugar is listed as one of the first 3-5 ingredients.
Caffeine (yes, coffee, chocolate, soda)
Gluten: again, read labels! This eliminates wheat, barley, rye, and malt products. I eat rice bread for sandwiches, brown rice tortillas, corn tortillas, steel-cut oatmeal, creme of buckwheat for example
Animal products: this includes all dairy!

Water: lots of it! At least 4 big glasses/day
Sweeteners: agave nectar, stevia, brown rice syrup

What can you eat? Lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts, nut butters, brown rice, gluten free pastas, popcorn (my favorite! BUT no butter!!) quinoa (LOVE it!), beans...I can give you more suggestions as the week goes on. I will post my daily menu if it helps you decide what you can and can't eat.

Good luck! Email me with any quesions. AND..Congrats on making a healthy decision and taking care of you!