Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 4: October 8-12

We are in week 4 of this session....already! That means, the week of October 15, we are on break. We may be in for a little rain this week, too. Be sure to check the blog for any location updates, if necessary.

Here is the plan for this final week:

Monday: Circuit Training at Rancho Grande Park

Wednesday: Cardio Crazy: hills and flats at Rancho Grande Park

Friday: 545am and 915am if minimum numbers are met! Game Day!

Buggy Bootcamp is M/F, 930am unless instructed otherwise by Danielle.

Other news:
Coming soon: Why wait? 6-week weightloss challenge
Are you ready for the challenge? We will begin with weigh-ins and measurements the first week of next session. I will schedule you either M or W of the week of Oct 22 The challenge will run thru 2 holidays, Halloween and Thanksgiving, with the final weigh-in on Friday, November 30.

I am combining components of last year's challenge:
Weekly weigh-ins, and pre-post measurements.
$$ buy-in that will become the prizes at the end.
I am also adding a few things you mentioned you liked from the spring challenge: Partner accountability (schedule a minimum of one workout a week with your partner and email a photo or statement verifying what you did and with whom)
Diet suggestions (example: eliminate one "white" food).

More info to come, but in the meantime, let me know if you are interested!

Buggy Bootcamp continues!
Due to its highly successful opening round, we plan to offer it again next session. Look for updates to the web, so you can pay your deposit and secure your spot!

Go out there and enjoy this beautiful weather! I hope to see you all at the park for the final week of this session.