Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 8-12

Hope you all had a great weekend.  The weather has been pretty amazing and these are the times we LOVE to be exercising outdoors!  Good for the body and soul! :)

Bootcamp is in its 4th week with a break the week of April 15-19.  Come get your workouts in:  3 opportunities at 545am and 2 opportunities at 915!  Many of your punch cards are expiring this week too, so don't miss out! 

Buggy Bootcamp is back on this week and next and will roll right in to a new session on April 22.  Buggy bootcamp has limited space and the demand is great.  Don't forget to pay your deposit for the next session in order to HOLD your spot!  If numbers continue to climb, we may look at offering additional days/times!

Locations for the final week:  Rancho Grande Park all week

Hope to see you all at the park!

With the love of fitness,
