Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week 2: Locations, Challenge, and Survey

Happy June, everyone!  Hope you all had a great first week of bootcamp and are ready for week 2.  We will be hanging out at the park all week, for the most part.  Wednesday, hill day, we will meet at Grace Church's parking lot for the infamous hill crossing workout.....or 4 corners' workout.....or whatever you'd like to call it!  Big thanks for Danielle for running some awesome workouts last week while I was finishing up my vaca in Mexico. 

Monday, RGPark, circuit training
Wednesday, Grace Church parking lot, hills and tunes
Friday, RGPark

I introduced this challenge to the 915 group last week, but here it is again for all to consider:
If you have a smart phone, get either the My Fitness Pal app or app.  These are both great, easy to use apps to track your food consumption, weightloss or maintenance goals, and fitness.  So many of us underestimate what/how much we are eating and then can't understand why we can't lose weight or gain weight.  Exercise is a part of the equation, but more importantly it's what and how much we eat.  I've been using it for a couple weeks, and it's so easy! 

The challenge:  start using it TODAY, and commit to it for the remainder of this session (and beyond) and let's see what success we can experience!  Email or fb me if you are in!

I will be bringing a survey to class this week for all to fill out regarding summer.  I am putting it on the blog, too, so you can look it over, even email me the answers to the questions, if you'd like.  I really value your input, so I thank you in advance for taking the time to fill it out.

1.     Are you planning to continue bootcamp over the summer?  Y or N
If yes, what is your level of commitment?

2.    If small group trainings were offered over the summer (small group = 4 max), would you be interested?  Y or N

Small group is like personal training but more affordable. 
Personal training = $60/hour; Small group training = $25/hour 
Since the group is limited to 3-4 people, you would have more personal attention and classes would be set up to meet your specific needs.

3.    If beach bootcamp, small group trainings were offered over the summer, would you be interested?  Y or N

If yes, could you pull together a group of 4?

4.    What would you like to see CIA offer more of, or specialty training

    5.    Circle the following days/times you could/would attend bootcamp this summer, if days/times were changed(circle all that apply):

M     Tu    W     Th    F

545am              7am          8am          915am