Friday, February 8, 2013

At last: Here It Is!!

Core in Action’s Belly Blaster Challenge

While we cannot “spot reduce”, we can make an attempt to reduce the amount of fat we find around our mid-sections.  By combining a more focused food intake with exercise, we can feel better, increase our energy, improve our health and blast the fat!  Exercise alone can’t get the job done; belly fat is often the outcome of hormones, poor diet, and lack of exercise.  And, probably in that order!  Let’s join forces and commit to the challenge!
I am offering this 4-week challenge:  you decide your level of commitment!  There are 2 basic components to this challenge which begins on Monday, February 11 through Friday, March 8.
How do I begin?  Read on….
-Sign up for CIA’s bootcamp and commit coming to every class!
-Measure your waist and hips.  For consistency, measure at your belly button(waist), and the roundest part of your bum(hips).  I know, your belly button is not your waist!
Part 1:  Exercise (of course, you need to come to bootcamp!  Workouts will be focused on higher intensity, more strength training….all proven to assist in fat burning!)

Core Crusher (CC):  5 moves (plank pushups, frog plank jumps, side ab crunches, bicycles, mountain climbers) these will be demonstrated in bootcamp.
Do CC’s Daily and record (you will get a calendar in class), trying to beat your reps from the previous day*
5 reps of each move = 1 round
3 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) +1:00 each week

3 minutes = week 1
4 minutes = week 2
5 minutes = week 3
6 minutes = week 4
*How to score: 
Example:  2 full rounds plus 3 frog planks= 3 rounds + 5 plank push-ups+3 frog planks = 2 + 8

Part 2:  Diet
Every participant needs to:
Get 6-8 hours sleep/night and drink 8-8 oz glasses of water/day
Rules for everyone:
Protein at every meal

Unlimited foods                                                              Limited Foods
Lean protein                                                                     Starchy carbs/sweet fruits (5-15 bites /meal only)
Non-Starchy Vegetables                                                 Fats and Fatty Meats (1-2 handful nuts/day)
Lower sugar Fruits                                                           Alcohol

NOW, choose your level of commitment:
Beginner:  eliminate sugar, dairy as a condiment only, 1 cheat day/week
Intermediate:  eliminate sugar and dairy, no cheat day
Advanced:  eliminate sugar, dairy, and alcohol, no cheat day

FYI:  (Starch/Sugar + Fat) x  Stress = Belly Fat!
Email me questions, comments, your commitment!  See you Monday!