Saturday, January 17, 2015

Week 3

What a beautiful Central Coast weekend we are having!!!  We had an awesome TRX class on Saturday...beautiful weather, enthusiastic clients, and as always a great workout on the TRX.  Why would anyone want to do this inside?!!! 

This is exactly why we are outside doing our thing!  No confusing machines, no wandering around until you find one you want to try, no wondering if that last guy wiped it off--just pre-planned workouts that target your entire body while surrounded by amazing weather and supportive, encouraging classmates! Outdoor Fitness RULES! 

Locations for the week of January 19th: 

Monday: ONE CLASS ONLY 7am AGHS Track 
Tuesday: TRX 6am AG Rotary Bandstand--2 spots available 
Wednesday: Tabata 6am and CardiCore 9:15 Rancho Grande Park 
Thursday: TRX 6am AG Rotary Bandstand--2 spots available 
Friday: Tabata 6am Rancho Grande Park 

Looking forward to seeing each of you!